Chapter 33 - Wide Awake

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Check out the song "Love You More" by JLS, it's beautiful and is perfect for this chapter.

Enjoy guys!


Chapter 33 - Wide Awake

Scarlett's POV

Everything was white.

Blindingly white.

I could feel myself, physically and mentally trapped within the twisted labyrinths of my mind as it all came flooding back.


My mother.


Oh, God - Jasper.

My heart peaked as I felt myself dipping in and out of consciousness, unable to rid my imagination of the God awful images of Jasper being hurt.

I could hear the desperate, shrill sound of beeping penetrating the silence of my mind as I felt a warm hand clasping mine.

It was him, I knew it was.

The sounds around me became heightened as I finally felt fully conscious for the first time in God only knew how long.

I could feel myself being poked and prodded for what felt like hours until it was just the silence and I, alone.

I forced my eyes open, immediately regretting it as they were greeted by a blinding light.

"Scarlett?" Jasper's smooth voice called out, as I made out his figure approaching me.

"Jasper," I barely whispered, my throat incredibly hoarse and dry.

"Sh, baby, don't speak," he said softly as he filled a cup with some water, holding it to my lips as I drank, quenching my thirst.

He carefully placed the cup back onto the table beside me as I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice a little less hoarse.

"You've been in a coma for almost two weeks, Scarlett," Jasper replied, his voice low and quiet.

My eyes traveled to my leg which was clad in a cast as the memory came flooding back.

"Jasper, my mom-"

"Sweetheart, shh," he interrupted, rubbing small circles onto the back of my hand. "She's gone and she is never coming back."

My bottom lip quivered as I allowed myself to watch him.

He had lost a lot of weight, the circles around his eyes were darker, he looked physically and mentally exhausted.

"I'm so sorry!" I burst out crying, tears streaming down my cheeks as he wiped them away.

"You scared me so much, do you know that?" He whispered, stray tears falling from his eyes causing me to cry harder. "I thought I'd lost you forever, Scarlett. The heart monitor stopped, the line went dead and I thought you'd left me forever. I failed you, my love, I failed to look after you. I failed to give you the protection I promised. I failed in every -"

"I love you," I choked out, interrupting him. "I love you so much, Jasper, I'm just so sorry it took me this long to tell you."

"God, I love you, Scarlett. I love you so much, it fücking scares me how I can fall in love you more with every waking minute and with each and every breath I take," he breathed, brushing the hair away from my face.

Saved By The Boss [COMPLETE + FULLY EDITED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora