Chapter 24 - Never Alone

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Hey Guys!

I'd just like to say thank you again to everyone who has taken their time out to read "Saved By The Boss", and for the votes and comments - you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Please continue to read, vote, comment and recommend my story to others, I REALLY appreciate it!

Without further ado, here's chapter 24, enjoy!

Love as always,



Chapter 24 - Never Alone

It had been three days since we'd gotten back from Italy and so far, they had panned out to be the worst few days of my life.

I still had yet to gather the full amount of five hundred thousand dollars before the end of the week and I had only managed to gather just over half of that amount.

All of the money would be coming out of my assets as there was no way in hell I was going to steal it from Jasper or from anybody else for that matter.

My phone rang suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts as I answered it hesitantly.


"Hi, is this Scarlett Valentina?" A soft feminine voice spoke as I let out a relieved sigh.

"Yes, this is she." I answered, a little more confidently.

"I'm Kimberly Baker from Simmon's Properties? I believe you spoke earlier with my colleague, Adam, regarding the sale of your apartment?"

"Yes, I did," I replied, running my hands through my hair. "He said he'd get back to give me a quote for how much it's worth?"

"Yes, well, your property is located in a very prestigious and neighbourhood-friendly area and, of course, the apartment in itself is worth a lot." She explained as I grew slightly impatient. "So, you're looking at around three hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

Oh, praise the Lord! I wanted to yell to the heavens in sheer relief.

"Thank you so much!" I practically squealed as she laughed.

"I have even more good news, Miss Valentina," she said as I raised an eyebrow. "We already gave a heads up to a potential buyer who will be more than willing to take it off your hands A.S.A.P."

"Of course. Please set up a deal before the week is through," I instructed.

"Of course. Congratulations on your sale, Miss Valentina," she said.

Congratulations indeed, Miss Baker, I thought dryly.

"Thanks." I replied as I ended the call.

I felt my heart sink a little as I looked around the home I'd worked so hard to make my own.

But I was doing this for Jasper, I reminded myself. And I would do anything to keep him safe.

Sighing, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, before tying my hair into a top bun, running my fingers along the scar of the barbed wire beneath my neck. Shaking my head, I snapped myself out of it and proceeded to box everything up.

Just as I was about to finish packing the things from the kitchen, there was a knock at my door as I left to answer it.

"Jasper?" I asked incredulously as he stood at my front door with a bunch of roses and a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine.

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