Chapter 9

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Narrator's pov


The sunset blossomed upon the cloud as sweet wild clover blooms. With a flourish of romantic hand, the orange gold stretched far and wide

The colour of fire and tangerine. It was but the reflection of the dawn, soon to approach a velvety night on the land

Wind waved the tree branches as if in a raucous ballgame celebration, the windows were down and allowed the wintry air to enter

Tossing Summer's wavy dark hair behind her face, swerving past her skin as she inhaled the fresh air

A parking lot approached on the port of the fair. The city was known for its annual fairs but for a majority of the year, it was closed

Restaurants opened nearby while the rides were still open

Summer turned into the parking lot and navigated through a few cars that were moving slow

"Come on" she groaned, pressing her palm flat on the horn

The car in front flicked her off making her roll her eyes

In the corner of her eyes she had spotted a vacant space

Without hesitating, she spun to the side and pulled in front the car

Her feet pressed harshly against the gas as she made a turn into the parking space

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING" Someone screamed

Summer rolled her eyes as she turned the car off. Her fucks to give had left on Elon Musk's rocket, far away from earth

She slammed her doors shut and pulled an oversized satin jacket from the backseat with her, tossing it over her shoulder

"Did you not hear me!?" the person yelled

Summer furrowed her brows as she glanced at the person behind her

"The fuck do you think you're talking to- oh HELLY HELLCAT NO"

Melanie scrunched her face in disgust again, at this point it was the only face she made when in the presence of Summer

"Oh. It's you" Melanie glared

"What's your problem now?"

"You almost hit me"

"Next time you'll be under the wheels"

"I swear you have anger problems-"

"I do. And her name is.. What's your name again?" Summer said

Knowing damn well she knew the girl's name. Hell, that name had been sitched into her brain for the past three days for different reasons

When she'd see a certain shade of brown, her mind would suddenly remember Melanie's eyes. The way they darkened to express her various moods. Well, atleast the one she was accustomed to

"Are you not going to apologiz-"

The brunette hadn't gotten the chance to speak, Summer simply walked away with her middle finger facing the girl

She could hear her scoff in the distance but didn't care

Everywhere she went it seemed as if trouble followed her. Hell, the whole reason she was in this mess in the first place was because of Melanie

She needed some air from that house, it felt suffocating to be around her parents who were excited that she might 'turn straight'

All because Melanie had to open her big... Sweet precious mouth and make her life miserable

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