Chapter 25

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Narrator's pov


Summer's fingers ran through a few strands of hair as she pushed some behind her ear

The morning sun had beckoned upon her skin and fluttered through her room, making what was dark turn to halo gold

The girl's smile had been etched on her face since she opened her eyes

"Morning losers" Summer grinned as she approached the people who's bloodline she shared

Her father lowered his newspaper a bit, only allowing his eyes to show as he raised a brow at the girl

Never had he seen the girl give a genuine smile, especially being in the house of mental horror

Aka her latino family

"Good Morning Summer" He said, falling back into his paper

"It surely is" The raven hair girl grinned

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I get to ride Melanie's gearshift" Summer muttered


"I get to ride in Melanie's car" The girl said

"Is she picking you up?" the man asked


"That's good, nice to see your friendship is growing"

Summer held back her snicker that she wanted to release. Friendship, yes. Ofcourse. A friendship where she wanted to rail the other girl until the blood of Jesus reigned down and sent them to hell so they could continue pounding each other's brains out

"I knew taking you to church would give you some perspective, it's nice to see you're among good influences" The man added

Good influences. Little did he know that his daughter was a gay gremlin, walking the earth and spreading the seeds of straight woman confusion

Atleast she was trying to help Melanie turn the light on in the closet much less come out of it

"Yeah, sure homeboy" Summer playfully rolled her eyes

The girl headed off towards the front door, not caring to see her mother approaching from the kitchen area. It was best to start the day with negativity

Aka her mother.

"Summer, make sure yo-" and with that, the door was slammed shut and the woman's words was left behind the toxic gossip train

The street breathed through the trees and the people, as if they were in a strange conversation of sorts, one of the emotions

It was the colours and the sounds, the bustle and the quiet space, a million weaved moments so transient and real

Her neighbours walked by, those hustling about their daily lives while the girl stood on her porch

Her hands shoved into her jacket's pockets as she breathed in a deep breath, bringing herself to the tip of her toes then exhaling to bring herself back down

The street had a wideness that she loved. It was open and reminded Summer of walks in the park in the days when she could barley ride a bicycle

She loved the cracked sidewalk and the way the cats stalk about, the owners of all they survey

Her eyes ate up the green leaves above and the air like a soft kiss from the earth. Houses line the street, each one a sleepy kingdom, each one somebody's sanctuary

Tempted To Touch (GirlxGirl)  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang