Chapter 27

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Narrator's pov


Summer was the first person out of the car, leaving her parents to fend behind. The girl slammed the car door shut as her feet pounded against the pavement, heading up the stone pathway

It was a warm and inviting house from the outside, a lavender coloured paint brushed the wooden house. A white fence guarded around freshly trimmed grass, green as the spring time leaves, cluttering around a small garden of colourful Lillie's and daisy's along the yard

Summer walked up to the white painted door and gave it a few knocks as her parents approached her from behind

"Seems like you and Melanie have gotten close for you to hustle out the car like that" her father said

"You could say that" Summer mumbled

The door swung open and a smile met her eyes, the dark skinned man grinned as he welcomed his arms open

"Summer, nice to see you again" the pastor greeted, extending his arms for a hug

To be polite, Summer faked her smile and leaned into his arms, feeling them wrap around her back for a few seconds

"Nice to see you too pastor Robbins" the girl said

"Well come on inside" he said, gesturing for the few to enter the house

Summer's parents were no stranger to the home but it was the girl's first time coming over

The house had large arched windows. Through them light flowed through all seasons, gracing the air without favour, illuminating the sweet-toffee browns of the wooden floor

It was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were the photographs of the family obviously so 'loved'

Summer's fingers glided over the picture frame, a smile graced her lips as her eyes landed on a picture of Melanie as a child. Even so small the girl had a disgusted look on her face as she stared at the camera. Summer chuckled when her eyes landed on another, this time of the girl going down a slide. She only had two front teeth visible and in the moment she looked so happy

The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard

The banister was a twirl of a branch, tamed by the carpenter's hand, it's grain flowing as water might, in waves of comforting woodland hues. Under the lamp-shine it was nature's art, something that soothed right to the soul

"I see you've been decorating" The girl's mother said

"All the hands of the wife, she's in the kitchen if you'd like to see her" The man said

Summer's mother flashed a smile before turning the corner to head towards the kitchen

Her father on the other hand had already taken a seat on the sofa, kicking his feet up on the cushion and had his eyes fixed on the tv

Yep. They were no strangers to this house at all

"Melanie is in the backyard if you're looking for her" The man said, gesturung towards the door past the kitchen

"Thank you" the girl muttered, heading towards the area

She tried her best to not be noticed when quickly dashing through the kitchen, avoiding any glances over the two women who laughed

Luckily the back door was already opened so she managed to slip right out with ease

Summer's eyes landed on the scenery in front of her. The backyard was a miniature woodland of holly trees and native shrubs, each of them trimmed as if they were green flames

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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