Over It

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I got up and got ready extra early. My schedule was packed today and I wanted to make sure I had a head start. I ate breakfast then left.

I'm sure Hunter was still asleep which was a good thing. I'm going to try and avoid him as much as I can until I understand how I'm really feeling.

As soon as I stepped into the office, Jannette diverted me back into the elevator.

"Meeting on the second floor." she then closed the elevator doors.

The meeting was long and boring. I didn't even know why I had to be present because nothing in the meeting affected me. When I reached back up to my floor, a man in a suit stood by my door.

"Mrs. Lodge?" he asked.


"Mr. Lodge has requested that I bring you to him right away."

"Can't this wait? I'm really busy."

He shook his head. "No ma'am. He said if you refuse, I may use force."

My mouth dropped. "F-fo-force? Excuse me?"

He took both my hands and held them behind my back. I tried to resist but he only held me tighter. He dragged me to the car then put on the child lock.

He carried me all the way into to Hunter's office then put me on the sofa to sit. Hunter was in a meeting with someone. Why did he go through all of this just to make me sit and wait. I was practically fuming by now.

As soon as the meeting was finished I marched to Hunter.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted.

He ignored me as he packed up his desk.

"Do you know how embarrassing it was being dragged out of my office like a freaking criminal?"

He walked to the door.

"Where are you going? I'm not done!" I shouted.

He turned back at me. "Are you coming or are you just going to keep shouting to yourself?"

I sighed then followed him all the way to his car. We drove until we reached back home.

When we came out of the car, I turned to him. "Why are we home? Half the day isn't even over as yet."

He sighed. "I know you're going to hate me for this but you'll thank me later."

I started to get scared. "Hunter what are you talking about?"

He winced then held my hand. We walked up the stairs until we reached his bedroom door. I knew whatever behind that door wasn't anything good. I saw Hunter physically wince so it had to be bad.

When he opened the door, there was a small puppy sleeping on his bed. I turned around to leave but he only held me tighter just like the driver from earlier.

"Hunter let me go!" I shouted.


"Hunter stop. I know you hate me but there's other ways to torture me please. Please let me go." I pleaded.

"I'm not doing this because I hate you. I'm doing this because I don't hate you."


"You can't live you life in fear of dogs. You have to get over this at some point."

I started to shake my head vigorously.

"I'm going to be with you every step of the way. When things get too tough we can stop but you have to at lease try."

I began to cry and Hunter didn't waste anytime on pulling me into a hug.

"I miss my mom so much. I can't make our baby go through the same thing as I did." I said.

"Don't think like that. He won't."

Life isn't promise. You wouldn't have thought my mom would've died from a car crash because of a stupid dog but she did. I can't believe that there isn't a chance that the same thing would happen to me.

He pulled away then walked over to the bed. I stayed where I was.

"This is Chip. One of my employees gave him to me. At first I was going to refuse but I decided to use this as an opportunity. Do you want to touch him?"

I shook my head. I moved to the side of the room where there was a chair to sit. I watched as Hunter played with the small dog. He handled it well. I could tell he was going to be a good dad. This man was good at everything; getting me pregnant, being a CEO and even cooking. He had no flaws. It was honestly attractive.

I shook my head. He was trying to help me get over my fear of dogs and I was thinking of how attractive he was.

I had to at lease try. What kind of mother would I be if I don't set an example for my child. I got up then walked over to them.

He covered my hand with his then we started to pet the dog. At first, it was completely horrible but then it stopped feeling so bad. I realized that if the dog was going to attack me, it would've already.

"See it's not so bad." he said.

As much as I hate to admit it, Hunter was right.

"I can't promise you that I'll be a dog lover but I will promise that I'll try not to freak out every time I see a dog."

He gave me a small smile then there was that look in his eyes again. The same one from the night of his birthday. We kept eye contact until we heard a knock on the door. Ms. Turner walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt but Miss Kennedy is downstairs asking for Mrs. Lodge and she said it's urgent."

I looked on Hunter and he motioned me to go. I went downstairs then saw her. She looked furious.

"What's wrong Kennedy?"

"I thought we were best friends or you at least considered me a friend." she shouted.

"We are. What are you talking about? Please calm down."

"Then why couldn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

I froze.

"I had to hear from one of my student's mom. I told everyone we were friends. Do you know how humiliating it was when I found out."

"Kennedy, it's not like that."

"Is it? You even told Lynda and not me."

"I didn't tell Lynda. She found out on her own."

"Did you keep it a secret because you thought I would be jealous? Just because I told you it's hard for me to have kids doesn't mean to have to walk on egg shells around me."

"I didn't even think about that!"

"Well that's even worse. We can't be friends! You can never be friends with women in business."

"I think you should leave." Hunter said as he walked down the stairs.

She turned to him. "Hunter, you're even worse than her. You and Zach have been best friends since you were little. How could you not tell him. You would've been the first to know if it was us."

"I can tell whoever I want to tell. Now get out of my house before I call security."

She laughed and slammed the door on her way out.

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