Baby Blaze

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"What do you mean he's dead?" he shouted.

I stayed quiet as I looked forward in front of me. I could hear dad and Mr. Lodge shouting at me to get answers but I didn't have any. I just wanted to stay in silence.

I heard a knock on the door. It was Kennedy, Lynda and Sabrina. They ran and hugged me.

Dad and Mr. Lodge decided to give us some space which was a relief.

Their hug meant a lot right now. I didn't have any tears left to cry so I just laid there as they hugged me.

When they were done, we all sat in silence until I decided to speak.

"You guys didn't have to come. Especially, Lynda."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Soph how much times do I have to tell you 'that's how friendship goes'.

I kind of smiled.

"So where's Hunter?" Sabrina asked.

I looked at them. I didn't know what to say because I didn't know where he was either.

Lynda placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, he'll show up. He always does."

"Maybe not this time. I said something to him this morning that I didn't mean."

"Well maybe you should tell him that yourself." she said.

I looked at her confused but she pointed me to the door. Hunter was standing there with a sympathetic look on his face.

The girls walked out as he walked in.

"Hunter, I'm so sorry that I-" before I could finish, he stopped me with a hug. It was comforting and calmed me down.

He pulled back and stayed quiet. He pulled a chair closer to the bed then held my hand.

"Everything will be fine." he said.

I watched him. I can't believe he still came after everything I said this morning.

The nurses came in with an incubator. My eyes widened. I thought he was dead.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, meet your new baby boy. He will need to be kept in the incubator until I think he's ready. A NICU nurse will be monitoring him around the clock." the doctor said.

I smile and went to kiss Hunter but I realized we weren't together anymore. He probably noticed what just happened because he looked at me. I could tell he wanted to know the real reason why I ended things but he didn't want to cause an argument.

"Feel free to look at him." she said before walking out with the nurses.

Hunter helped me up so we could walk to him.

In the incubator laid a small child. No bigger than a textbook. He was beautiful. His eyes were glued shut and his tiny toes wiggled around. They had a few tubes connected to his body.

I glanced over to Hunter and he looked terrified. I chuckled a bit before holding his hand. I could've sworn he jumped when I did. He looked at me then to our hands. I smiled letting him know it was okay.

He helped me back over to the bed.

"So what are you naming him?" he asked.

I didn't get a chance to discuss it with Hunter.

"Why don't you name him."

"Simple, John." he said.

I shook my head. If Hunter actually knew all the things his dad did that would be the last name the baby would have.

"How about Blaze?" I suggested.

He thought for a second then nodded in approval. "Blaze Lodge sounds good to me." he said then we both laughed.

Things were awkward again. I couldn't take my eyes off of him and it looks like he was having the same problem. No matter how much I try to stop liking this man, he always finds a way to attract me again.

The anesthesia must have worn out because I was feeling things I've never felt before. It wasn't pain but it was more like a longing feeling. His gaze slowly drifting to my lips.

We slowly leaned into each other then our lips quickly met. I kissed him first passionately, letting out all the guilt and shame unto his lips that only kissed back more aggressively. You never know how much you missed something until you have it again. A small moan escaped from me.

He pulled back quickly.

"Why did you stop?"

He looked at me angry. "We can't do this. You can't just tell me you're ending things then kiss me a few hours later. You said I was using you when it's the other way around. I don't even know why you're doing this!" he shouted but then stopped as he looked on the baby.

"I'm trying to stay away but I can't. You keep pulling me back in."

He looked confused. "Sophia what are you talking about? Who's asking you to stay away?"

I hesitated to answer because if I did there was no going back. I sighed. "Your dad said if I didn't, he'll ruin you. He's the one that caused the employee to sue and the investor to back out."

His shoulders dropped as he formed fists. He got up. "My dad really did that?"

I nodded. I saw him starting to move off.

"Hunter wait!" I shouted.


"Don't do this."

"He can't get away with this."

"I know but confronting him now wouldn't change anything."

He came and sat back down. "Why is he even doing all of this?"

I looked at him. He looked so disappointed in his father. "He said you'll hurt me like you'd hurt Jasmine."

He froze when I said her name.

"What happened between you two?"

He looked in front of him. "We were in 'love'. Well, at lease we thought it was love. She kept stressing to me about marriage and I didn't see her as a good wife. Each time she asked, I slowly lost feelings for her so I ended things. She only wanted my money and fame. Everyone hated me and thought I was heartless man who was afraid of love."

I could see he was still hurt by it from how his fingers formed into fists as he spoke. I leaned over so that we could hold hands.

"That's the reason my dad was so fond on us getting married."

"So that's why you agreed so quickly to marry me before?"

He nodded.

"You said you didn't see Jasmine as a good wife. Did you see me as a good wife?"

He nodded again. "Even though I hated your guts, there was no doubt about it. I liked how you were a challenge and an independent woman. You made a name for yourself even though you lost your mother."

I quickly looked at him. "You knew about my mother?"

He nodded. "I had to do a background check on who I was marrying."

I gave him a glare. He laughed then gave me a forehead kiss.

"Get some rest. I'll be back with your stuff."

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