Chapter 7- The Clowns End.

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"January embers..." She spoke looking Ben in the eyes. "My heart burns there too." He smiled.

Cynthia gave a sigh of relief seeing Beverly alive and well, or as well as someone can be from being attacked by an otherworldly creature. Richie gave a relieved smile."Jesus fuck!" He hugged both Ben and Beverly at the same time. "Oh god.." Mike joined in on the hug, Cynthia squealed "Oh Beverly!" she hugged her from behind joining the group hug. Eddie however looked away and walked past them staring at something, Beverly looked up from the hug and over towards Eddie. "Wheres Bill?" Beverly asked looking back towards Mike then at the others.
Bill however was watching as his little brother Georgie walked slowly around the fountain of sewer water "G-Georgie..." Bill spoke glancing at Georgies missing limb. "What took you so long?" Georgie spoke with a shaky voice almost like he was on the verge of tears. He slowly began walking over his other hand holding onto a paper boat. "I-i was looking for you this whole time," Bill answered him, Tears also threatening to spill any second now. "I couldn't find my way outta here...He said I could have my Boat back Billy...." He glances down at the Boat. Billy sniffled tears rolling down his cheeks. "Was she fast?" he asked gently, Georgie looked up from the boat "I couldn't keep up with it." Bill gulped and then said "S-she...Georgie, we called the boat a she..." Georgie sorta stared at him before saying "Take me home Billy..." The group ran over coming up behind Billy seeing Georgie. Cynthia's eyes went wide she knew that wasn't the real Georgie. The little boy's tears started to fall "I wanna go home..." Bill started crying tears flowing more. "I miss you! I wanna be home with mom and dad! " Georgie slightly raised his voice, it sounding broken. Bill choked a little "I want more than anything for you to be home! " He slowly began walking towards Georgie "With mom..and dad...I miss you so much" He got as close as possible. Georgie slightly stumbled on his words "I love you, Billy." Bill blinked away the tears. "I love you too. " He stopped the crying before taking a small step back pointing the metal gun to Georgie's head, Georgie began to shake and cry. Bill glared "But you're not Georgie!" The trigger was pulled and Bill gasped as the bullet went into Georgie's head, Georgie giving off a gasp before falling back to the ground with a loud thud. The group looked startled staring at the body Cynthia spoke first "Holy shit.."
The body began to shake "AHH!!" Multiple screams let out of it as the rest jumped back. Cynthia furrowed her brows. Not in the slightest bit intimidated, Yet. "Annngh, ahhh, graaaahhh" The body spoke up like a demonic creature. The body slowly transformed into Pennywise, The red balls on his feet peeking out proved that as Cynthia held her knife, Mike held onto a sort of sharp metal pole. "uahhhhh" Pennywise gasped sitting up like he was being reanimated. "KILL IT NOW, KILL IT!!!!" Eddie called out in a shriek, terror all over his expression. They all began to scream out for Bill to kill Pennywise already, Cynthia of course suddenly shrieked out "FUCKING KILL IT ALREADY!!!!". Pennywise cracked his head up making eye contact with Bill who was starting to hyperventilate. Mike realized he had only one bullet for that gun.." it's not loaded.." he watched Bill pull the gun back and point it at Penny's head. "It's NOT LOADED!" but Bill shot anyways, a gust of wind hit Penny's head cracking it open just a bit. Penny bent backward, you could hear the crack of his back as he began to shake "GRAHHHHHHHH AHHHH AHHHH!!!" Cynthia screamed along with everyone else, she jumped back as Pennywise began shaking himself running towards them. Of course, they all began toppling backward, Penny lunged on top of Bill biting down on the gun as Bill used it as a shield from being bitten into, everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs. Penny through the gun to the side with his mouth, Beverly went to stab penny in the face only for her weapon to be thrown to the side, Mike yelled "BEVERLY NO!" he jumped in front of her only to be thrown into the pile of random bits and pieces. "MIKE!!" Eddie yelled in shock. Cynthia got behind Penny putting a pole in his mouth moving him backward "SCREW YOU!!" she screamed at him struggling to keep him in place. She was gone for a piggyback ride holding onto Penny as she felt Richie jump on from behind grabbing the pole helping her "HELP HER!" Ben grabbed one of Penny's arms, they went spinning in a circle everyone began to grab a limb. Stanley had been grabbed by the shirt before being thrown to the side by Penny. "STANLEY NO!!" Cynthia yelled hoping to whatever god was out there that he was okay, she kept her grip. His arm went to the back, grabbing ahold of Richie's shirt and threw him off. "WhoOOOAAAAA!!" He yelled as he hit the ground "Ugh!" Cynthia gasped in shock still trying to hold on. She felt herself get body-slammed down, her shirt lifting ever so slightly as Penny grabbed her by the neck holding her against him. Everyone's heart practically stopped as Beverly said "Let her go!" Pennywise shook his head. "No! I'll take her~" He held a large smirk on his face. "I'll take all of you! and ill feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear." he licked his lips before giving a thoughtful look as if he'd gotten the greatest idea. "Orrrr~" He waved his finger his mouth dripping with drool. "You just leave us be, you don't want her anyways~ do you wanna know the truth about problems?" He snickered "N-no!" her mouth was covered as Cynthia tried to protest. "She's a cannibal, she eats people~ she's no better than me! shes already put your lives in danger by tenfold, Her brother Hannibal lecter is a crazy smart killer who will eat you all and put you on display if he sees you mingling with her~ shes a murderer she killed a preschool teacher a few months ago~ right before staying the night with poor little Eddie." She felt tears enter her eyes "W-why?" Eddie spoke up in utter shock. "I-i had too...she was...she had kidnapped me...I had no other choice.." She started to cry. Pennywise gave an evil snicker rubbing her face squishing the sides of her cheeks. "But you made that poor lady into a stew~ and ate her!!" Cynthia closed her eyes. "I was raised to be a cannibal! It's the only meat I've ever eaten! anything else is horrible to my stomach... that's why I'm so small.." Eddie and the rest gave disgusted looks, Eddie looked down they didn't know what to do. "Now, you just leave us be...I will take her, only her, and then I will have my long rest~ and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead h-h-h-happy lives" He shook his head his eyes going crosseyed as he said 'happy'. "Until old age takes you back to the weeeeeddddds" He smirked. Cynthia closed her eyes "Leave...I'm of no use to you guys, I deserve to die...I'm a monster.." her voice was broken "I'm..I'm so sorry for lying...I just wanted to be normal, like you guys..." Tears left her eyes "To know what it's like to have normal friends, a normal brother who actually cares about me" She stared, before speaking louder. "Go!" Pennywise was chuckling glaring at them all. Beverly looked back at the group. "G-guys...we can't!" Eddie stepped forwards "I told you, Cynthia, I don't wanna die...I don't want to be stuck in my mom's house alone." Richie then said "We've walked through shitty water, we've been through a crackhead's house" he began listing down all of it "Bills punched me in the face." He glared towards Bill. Eddie then spoke, "And I told you, we are and forever no matter the cost, no matter how weird the other is. So screw that brother of yours because I've taken his place and he's going to have to pry it off my COLD DEAD ARMS" Richie smiled before grabbing a baseball bat from the pile of crap. "And now...we're all gonna have to kill this clown." Pennywise glared before pushing Cynthia to the ground. "WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!!" Richie yelled as Penny roared at him. "ANNNGGHHHHH". he was hit across the face as hard as Richie could hit with a bat, Penny was thrown backward the cracking of bones could be heard. Mike went to take a hit but arms came out of his mouth grabbing onto Mike's pole, the sounds of his mother and father's screams could be heard. Stanley ran and grabbed the baseball bat from the ground hitting the arms out of the clown's mouth. "Rahhhhh!!!" It turned and showed the painted lady, yet again getting hit in the face by Stanley's bat. Mike yelled back trying to hit him only to fall to the ground and rolled away as the clown's arms turned into these Praying mantis type of arms. they slammed onto the ground trying to hit Mike. "YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Cynthia got up grabbing ahold of a spear before running and stabbing Pennywise through the stomach. Pennywise yelled out as his blood floated up like the room had no sense of gravity. She gasped as Penny's head turned into Hannibal with a mix of the woman she had killed before. "COME ON THIA!!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT UNDER ALL THOSE LAYERS!" She screamed trying to pull away from his grip. Bill grabbed a thing of chains, running over and slashing the clown in its face, Pennywise pulled back from Cynthia who fell onto the ground "Ugh!" The group all began hitting him over and over again, Pennywise was now on his hands and knees being beaten left and right. He turned like he was gagging. His face transformed into the leper, Puking all over Eddie's face. Eddie stood up puking "I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" Eddie shrieked pissed off as he hit Penny over the head as hard as he could.
Pennywise then turned his face into Beverly's father, he turned and smirked towards her. "Hey Bevvy~ are you still my little gir-" Beverly yelled in anger shoving a pike down his throat "AHHHH!!!" Pennywise sat there, gagging on the pike as his face slowly turned back to normal. Beverly quickly backed away. Cynthia was standing next to Eddie glaring at the clown. Pennywise spat out the Pike and looked at them. Eddie gasped "Oh shit!" Pennywise fell backward and began crawling back as if he were...afraid of them? Cynthia's eyes went wide watching this as they all cornered him at a well sorta thing. Pennywise shook his head spit flying everywhere before he began to frown staring at Bill. "That's why you didn't kill Beverly, B-b-because she wasn't afraid...and we aren't either, not anymore now you're the one whos afraid," Bill spoke glaringly. Cynthia walked up her eyes darkening as she leaned down "Because you're gonna starve~" Pennywise sounded like he was gargling something as he backflipped into the hole, they all walked forward in surprise. Stanley gave over the bat to Bill who took it and then flinched forward at Penny who flinched back scared. Cynthia's eyes went wide watching as Pennywise's head began to slowly shatter as if he was made out of paper. "Fear." was the last word Penny said before falling into the darkness below.
They all stood in silence, staring down the hole when Richie spoke up. "I know what I'm doing for my summer's experience essay.." Bill turned to Beverly before hugging her tightly. Eddie looked at Cynthia and hugged her as well "I don't care what you've done, you're my family now" He said softly to her. Tears threatened to fall, she turned and hugged him back "You're my family too..." Eddie then looked up seeing the floating children slowly descending. "Guys..guys the kids are floating down." Bill slowly walked over to a yellow raincoat sitting in the pile, he put the bat down grabbing a hold of it. Slowly falling to his knees. he began to cry as the group surrounded him, Cynthia put her hand on his shoulder. Every one of them comforting him. "He is in a better place now Bill.." Cynthia said before going to her knees and hugging him, everyone else had slowly joined in on the hug.

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