A/N: Please Read (Important)

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I know most of us don't like reading author's notes. But please spare a bit of your time to read this

I want to regard chapters in the past and the chapters in the future

A. First of all, regarding the first few chapters of this story, like Childhood Sweethearts. I've been receiving a lot of comments regarding their age and such that they're too young

I just want to say that their relationship at that point is just two kids who are very fond of each other. Their relationship shouldn't be taken too seriously at this point because as many of you said, they're so young. They're so young that they wouldn't be shy to even be embarrassed to show their affections

 In my mind as I was writing that was that they were so young that they don't entirely know the whole concept of love because, again, they're just kids. And from my personal experiences and my observation when I'm babysitting my little cousins and their friends, some kids are very open with who they like and they're not shy telling others about it, even saying stuff like "We're getting married someday"

The idea I had for this was that as they grow up, they'll slowly mature and their idea of love would be clearer. And as they continue to grow up, their childhood fondness would turn more and more romantic.

B. Next I want to talk about how I was idiotic and didn't think things through, like if Shiori should've gotten a curse mark or not, so I've been beating myself up over it. I haven't watch Naruto for years, so I should've watched the entire series before writing instead of watching one episode at a time for each chapter so I'm really angry at myself

But I already have alternate ending ideas that I have yet to write down. Whether Shiori would stay in the village or if she'll go with Sasuke. I'm still debating which ending I'll write, again, feel free to comment down which ending you want to read and give me a reason why, it might help me make a choice

I don't feel like writing both because the decision Shiori will make won't be made at the last chapter but a few chapters before that. If I write alternate routes that would be confusing for me and might take me a long time

But if I do end up choosing that Shiori will leave with Sasuke, I have to make a few small things up, because again, I was being an idiot and didn't think things through. I know I promise not to make stuff up but the idea I thought of for this ending and the most perfect solution I could come up with to cover my mistake in certain past chapters

The things I'll make are not really entirely made up and I based it on what I watched in the series but the name I have to come up with. But again this is about the alternate route. The alternate route which Shiori stays in the village is almost all figured out as well, I'm just debating which one to go with.

C. Oh yeah, might I add how I just realize how OP the Byakugan is, I couldn't keep the balance as I was writing my updates, I was like "How am I supposed to keep it balanced, Shiori's too OP because of the Byakugan and Gentle Fist". I keep racking my brain about it even now. I really did not think things through, so you might notice in some chapters that I'm gonna make Shiori hold back a bit you just to keep the balance of the idea I want to write, but maybe I'll think of something better, who knows

So a little heads up for you guys. Seriously, I recently just realized how OP the Byakugan and Gentle Fist is in the missions Shiori and the others will go through. Maybe that's the reason why the author of Naruto didn't add a Hyuga in Naruto's team, just a thought that came to mind. Did I make a mistake to make Shiori a Hyuga? I made Shiori a Hyuga because I thought it would be a good idea and a little more unique, but I didn't think she'd be too OP because of it. I was a fool who didn't think things through

D. I also want to talk about what I'm doing to Sakura and Shiori's friendship. I'm sorry about that, I know I wanted them to really get along. I wanted to keep it that way until the very end, but when I watched the series until my stopping point and putting myself in Shiori's shoes, I realized that it's gonna be hard to keep their friendship the way it is

So I sincerely apologize to those who really like Sakura and those who doesn't want Shiori and Sakura to hate each other. I have to do what I have to do. I had to make a few changes and sacrifices to keep the emotions as real as I could. I hope you all understand

E. Lastly, I want to talk about my future updates, some of the updates are marked as part 1 and 2. I want to give my reasoning behind this 'cause there's gonna be two parts in future updates and I just want to let you guys know. The reasons why I sometimes cut some in two parts are because:

1. I feel like they're way too long, I don't want that and tend to avoid that, I prefer to keep each chapter between 1000 and 2000 words so it won't be too long or too short, unlike the previous stories I wrote

2. I can't think of a title for it so I just make it a part of the previous chapter and make it seem like it's two parts

3. I don't have enough time to type all of them in time for the update so I cut it into two parts

If you read all of this thank you very much, I really appreciate it🙂

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