The Chunin Exam (Part 1)

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We're waiting for Kakashi Sensei at the bridge

"*Sigh* Ahhh! Why why why?! It's always the same! He sets the time and we have to wait hours for him!" Sakura yells

"It's not fair!" Naruto rise his first in agreement

"What about my feelings? I have to rush here so fast. I didn't even have time to blow-dry my hair!" Sakura complains

"And I didn't even have enough time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!" says Naruto

"You uh didn't? That's really disgusting Naruto" Sakura looks at him in disgust

'First thing in the morning. And they're already driving me nuts'

"Good morning everyone. Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life" says Kakashi Sensei

"You liar!" Naruto and Sakura yells

Kakashi Sensei approaches us

"I know it's a bit sudden, but I recommended you for the Chunin Exam. All four of you"

He holds out four papers in front of us

"They're application forms"

"Application forms?" Sakura asks

"You're repeating me Sakura. This is all voluntary. It's up to each of you. If you don't feel ready, you can wait until next year"

"Alright! Kakashi Sensei you rock!" Naruto shouts

He runs and gives Kakashi Sensei a hug. Kakashi Sensei pushes Naruto off him

"Whoever wants to take the exams, sign the application and come to room 301 at the Academy it's at three PM, five days from now. That's it"

"But we're a team of four Sensei" Shiori comments

"It won't matter"

We all took the application forms and start heading home

"Hmm. The Chunin Exam. I'll be up against a lot of wicked Ninja!" I say excitedly

'Like the guy with a mummy on his back.*looks at Sasuke* And of course, mister attitude'

(Naruto's fantasy)
"Alright. Who's the grand champion? That would be me. If I come out on top, being Hokage will be easy after that"

"I have to accept it. Naruto is better than an old geezer like me. So I'll just retire and let him be Hokage" says the Third Hokage

"Yey!" I cheer, showing a peace sign

(End of fantasy)

'I hope I get the chance to fight that guy'

'I still can't believe I'm gonna participate in the same exam that the person I look up to the most is participating in. Plus I'm gonna be with Sasuke all through this. I'll show everyone what Shiori Hyuga is made of'

'This is hopeless. I can't keep up with Sasuke. I'm no match for Shiori either. I can't even beat Naruto. I'll never pass these exams'

"Did you hear? We're gonna have rookies in the exams. First year Genin, that has not happen in five years" I say

"No way. I bet it's just some Jonin trying to boost their egos" Ten Ten says as she spin a kunai while throwing it up and down

"No, there is more to this story than that. Four of them are from Kakashi's squad" I say

"Huh. Interesting" says Neji

"But not very" Ten Ten says and throws the kunai she's holding at a training dummy

"Actually, Konoha's sweet little princess Shiori is one of the rookies and part of Kakashi's squad" I say

"Right Shiori?" I look at Shiori, who's been sitting next to Neji

"Yes. I can assure you that you'll be impressed of my performance and how much I grew as a ninja. I promise I'll make you proud and bring glory to your name" she says confidently with a look of admiration still in her eyes as she stares at Neji like he's a god

"You sure are confident" Neji comments

"Of course I am. Besides my boyfriend, parents and siblings. I've been training under a powerful ninja. You" Shiori smiles

"I see" Neji smirks

"But I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll impress you. I don't know about the other six rookies but my three teammates including my boyfriend have surely grown and improved" says Shiori

 I don't know about the other six rookies but my three teammates including my boyfriend have surely grown and improved" says Shiori

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"Hmm. I'll remember your words" Neji says with a smirk still on his face

"Yes" Shiori responds

"Either way. It's too bad for them" says Neji

Ten Ten chuckles

I'm in the training grounds, waiting for Sasuke

"Hey you there! Pretty girl!" someone calls behind me

I turn around to see a ninja from a different village

He starts charging at me without warning

I calmly take out kunai knives and shurikens and throw it at the ninja but he dodges them

"*Sigh*" I do the stance for gentle fist

"I'm waiting for my beloved, so let's finish this quickly, shall we?" I smile

"Byakugan" I say

I give the minja hit after hit using gentle fist all over his body

'I really want to put everything Neji thought me to use but I can't just reveal them just like that'

"Fire Style. Fireball Jutsu!" I expel fire from my mouth just like Sasuke taught me

The ninja falls down

I start walking towards him. He poofs away

'Hmm? What's that all about?'

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