Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!

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I'm at the dock with Shiori and my father. Because today is the day he's teaching me the Fireball Jutsu and Shiori came with us to watch

"Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!" father expels fire from his mouth

Shiori and I watch in amazement and bewilderment as the fire take the form of a giant orb that maintains its shape


Once father is done, he turns his head to look at me

"This is the key Jutsu of our Clan, now I've already shown you all the hand signs. The next step is to build up your chakra and focus it to a point in your chest, then force it up the throat and out the mouth" father says to me

He turns his head more, so we can see more of his face

Then he says "Now you try it"

"Right" I nod with a serious impression

"Good luck Sasuke" Shiori smiles at me

"Thanks" I smile back at her

Then I take her hand in mine and tell her "Watch me closely 'kay?"

"Of course I will. How can I not?"

I nod at her then run closer at the end of the dock

Father and Shiori took a step back to make room for me

I do each hand signs slowly

'Father is actually teaching me the Jutsu himself. He's finally giving me the chance to show that I matter too. And Shiori is here to watch and support me.. I can't disappoint them'

I did what father told me

'I can do it'

Father and Shiori stares at me seriously

'Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!'

Then I expel fire from my mouth

"Aww. It's so adorable" I hear Shiori say

I finish, then I heard father sigh

"Why did I think you'll be like Itachi?" He asks

I sadly hang my head down

Shiori immediately run to my side and tries cheering me up

"Don't worry Sasuke, it's only your first try" she says as she looks at me with an awkward smile

"It's too soon. You're not ready yet" father says, we turn to look at him. I stare at him sadly as he walk away

I remember what father told me before. 'A member of the Uchiha Clan is not recognized as full fledged Uchiha until they can use the Fire Style'

"You can do it Sasuke, I know you can. Just don't give up" Shiori says as she rubs my back

"Right. I'm gonna practice more" I say with determination

"That's the spirit. I'll stay here and help you"

"You don't have to, Shiori. Having here to watch me fail is embarrassing. I don't want to look uncool in front of you, you know" I say shyly

"You'll never be uncool to me. I want to be here for you, every step of the way of you learning the Jutsu, and so I'll be the first one to see you succeed" She says with her usual close eyes smile

I hug her tightly

"Thanks, Shiori" I whisper


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