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Chapter Thirty Four: (Crossover Chapter 3)


"Trust me, darling,
It's been a loveless year.
I'm a man of three fears;
Integrity, faith, and
Crocodile tears."


"You promised you'd protect her with the best of your ability." Angelo commented as he sat in the waiting area.

Darius looked ahead, sporting a blank look on his face, as usual. The hospital was bustling with people running in and out of the building.

A few of them slowed their pace, occasionally, as they looked at Darius and recognized the well-reputed businessman who held quite a power and influence in the country.

Not paying much heed to the people, Darius took in Angelo's disheveled state and remained quiet.

He did not need a reminder of how he had failed at protecting his woman. He was very much aware because his mind was constantly nagging him with the same thought since yesterday.

I want you home by two.

Her honey-dripping voice rang in his ears causing his eyes to clench shut.

Sylvia was sitting beside Anna and Alec, trying to provide them some form of comfort, as they cried silently.

There was no denying that the twins had grown fond of their brother's fiancé and adored her personality and easy-going nature. They viewed her as someone who's perfect for their brother and the family, too, so having to watch her in this state was painful for them.

Adrian had gone out to make a few calls and found out that indeed a man named Andrei Marinato was living in Greece. He had shifted here only a few months ago and was working at the same publishing house as Eirene.

He came inside and marched straight up to Darius, "This guy, Andrei Marinato, works at the same place as Eirene." He informed.

Alec's head snapped up at the newfound information, "Could it be the same guy who try to hit on her? His name was Andrei, too. She told us."

Darius looked at his younger brother and everybody's attention was now focused on him.

"Do you have a picture of him or have you seen him?" Adrian questioned.

Alec shook his head in negative.

"I have called my father. He'll be here by tonight. He's defeated the Russians before, he can be of great help now, too." Adrian informed everyone.

"It has been decades since that happened. People evolve and so do their strategies and methods." Carlyle partook in the conversation for the first time since their arrival.

He had been deep in thought ever since the incident took place.

"That's true, yes. But the blood that courses through one's veins never changes. Betrayal, deceit, and treachery are in his blood. He will stoop however low it takes to retaliate just like his father and grandfather." Adrian responded.

Carlyle nodded his head, letting Adrian's words sink in.

He's a wise man. He thought to himself.

"Portuguese and Russian mafia? Who would've thought?" Darius whispered quietly. "Both of them had been at each other's neck from the very beginning and now they have come together to strike at us."

"It does not matter, though. We'll strike back harder." He added after a while's pause.

Everyone nodded their head in agreement, "They're still in the process of expanding, if we are smart and calculated, we can defeat them just like we did in the past." Adrian replied.

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