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Chapter Sixty-Eight:

"Get me a drink, I get drunk off one sip
Just so I can adore you
I want the entire street out of town
Just so I can be alone with you
And I'll go when you're ready
My head's gettin' heavy
Pressed against your arm
I adore you, I adore you."

Eirene's POV:

I took a brown trench coat out of the hanger to wear when my eyes went to my nightwear section.

I placed the coat on the chair and went towards the soft blue silk robe. I took the hanger out of the closet and ran my hand on the smooth fabric.

It was the one that we had bought from Victoria's Secret. I bit my lip as I thought of that day. It was one of my core memories; the happy one.

A slight smile brushed my lips as I thought about the days that were supposedly normal. Before all of this.

"Eirene." I heard Darius call from behind me.

I turned around in surprise and stared at him wide-eyed, "Weren't you going to wait for me in the car?"

"Yeah, but you were taking so long. I thought I'd come and check on you myself." He said and his eyes went to the robe in my hand.

He walked towards me and took it from my hand, "I remember this." He whispered and smiled.

I nodded my head.

"Will you wear it?" He asked.

"Right now?" I whisper-asked.

"When we come back?" He suggested.

I smiled and shook my head, "It's already two in the morning. It'll be too late."

"Then let's not go." He shrugged.

"Darius." I couldn't help but smile.

"Wear it." He commanded and extended the piece of fabric in my direction.

"Fine, I'll wear it and go out in this as well." I was about to take it but he pulled his hand back.

“That’s what I thought.” I nodded my head and wore my coat before walking out of the closet.

“Your smart mouth is going to get you in trouble.” I heard him say from behind me.

I chuckled quietly and a moment later, his hand slipped in mine as we descended the stairs.

It was currently two in the morning and we were heading out to grab coffee and doughnuts.

Surprisingly, it was his idea to go out at this hour.

“We gotta hurry back though.” He announced as we sat in the car.

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because, there’s a forecast for rain.” He said and showed me the weather forecast on his phone.

“Oh.” I mumbled.

After that we hit the road and I looked out the window, “You know what I love the most about Athens?”

“What?” He asked.

“There’s a certain kind of peace here. It’s quiet and…” I trailed off.


I looked at him and smiled, “And you’re here.”

He chuckled and took a hold of my hand, “I love that you’re here, too.” He said and placed a kiss on my hand.

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