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Chapter Sixty-Five:


"I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches."

Darius's POV:

The constant ringing of my phone woke me up. I peeled my eyes open and grabbed my phone from the side table before answering the call.

“Hello?” My voice came out throaty.

“Darius, it’s me, Brittany.” Said Brittany from the other end.

I sighed and placed my hand above my eyes, “Yes?”

“Are you still asleep? It’s nearly four in the afternoon.” She asked.

I checked the time on my phone to see it was 3:53 PM and brought the phone back to my ear, “I couldn’t get much sleep last night. Anyways, what is it?” I asked and sat up in my bed.

My eyes involuntarily went to the other side of the bed that was neatly made and the happenings of last night flashed through my head.

“Eirene’s reports came in an hour ago.” She informed me.

My senses became alert, “Already?”

“Yes. An unethical man commanded me to get it done as soon as possible.” She said back.

I scoffed, “What is it then?”

“She is borderline malnourished. And given that she has enough resources to fend for herself, it means that I was right, this is intentional. But, I still won’t be hundred percent sure about it until she goes to see a therapist.”

The information was enough to vanish all the traces of sleep, “What else?”

“Of course, the lack of proper nutrition caused significant vitamin deficiencies and she was already anaemic, so from my analysis, it’s pretty bad.” She finished.

I gulped quietly and asked, “Can you recommend any therapist?”

“Yeah, sure. I know a few. I’ll message you all their details.” She told me.

“Darius, before you blame her for starving herself intentionally, make sure that she visits a therapist. Because if you’re in a really bad headspace, the last thing on your mind is to eat healthy.” She advised me.

“Right. Thank you for your help.” I said to her and she hung up the call after saying goodbye.

I pushed the comforter aside and instantly a familiar scent wafted through my nose. I paused for a second before bringing the comforter up to my nose.


Was she here?

I looked at the pillow and the sheets but everything was as if nobody had touched it.

Dismissing that thought quickly, I got out of the bed. I mean, I have felt her presence many times in the past couple of months.

Everywhere I looked, every place I went, and everything I touched, she was there.

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