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It was now the end of Summer break. Marinette was now almost two full months pregnant. Her stomach had grown slightly. It was a small bump but could easily be hidden by baggy clothes.

The ending of Summer break meant it was time to go back to Paris, away from Damian, and deal with her parents while at the same time having Jagged come over and try and convince her parents to let her go on 'tour' with him.

Marinette stared at the fully packed suit case she had brought. She was going to be going back to Paris for at least a couple of weeks. She wasn't really prepared. She didn't want to leave the Wayne Manor. It was her home... filled with people who supported her.

She wasn't ready.

A body sat beside her, she immediately recognized it as her lovely boyfriend. He immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't want to leave." Marinette sighed.

Damian snuggled closer to Marinette. "I don't want you to leave either." He mummered.

"What happens if they find out? Or if they don't let me go with Jagged?" She had so many questions.

Damian stands up and pulls Marinette up with him. "You have nothing to worry about, Habibi. I'm sure Jagged will make sure they say yes."

Marinette hugs Damian tightly, not wanting to let go. Damian kisses her forehead then hugs her back. They stay there for a few minutes, not wanting the moment to end. That was until someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Marinette, Master Damian, it's time to head to the airport." Alfred said.

Marinette sighed. "We're coming, Alfred."

Damian pulls away from the hug. "We better not keep Alfred waiting."

"Yeah...." Marinette whispers.

Damian grabs Marinette's bags despite her arguing that she can take them, and leads Marinette down stairs.

As they got downstairs Alfred took Marinette's bags and put them in the car. Damian and Marinette sat in the car in a comfortable silence as Alfred drives them to the airport.

Once they make it to the airport Damian helps Marinette get checked in. Marinette's anxiety was growing by the second.

Soon her flight was called.

Marinette hugs Damian tightly. "I'm gonna miss you."

Damian kisses her forehead. "I'm gonna miss you too." He then chuckles a little. "Both of you." As he said that he started rubbing small circles on Marinette's stomach.

Marinette smiled at that. "I love you."

Damian pulled away from the hug slightly just so he could press his lips against hers. "I love you, too, Habibi. Call me when you get home?"

Marinette hugs Damian again. "Promise. Ill see you soon mon demon."

Damian kissed her once more. They then parted ways. Neither wanted to bring up the fact that this could all go wrong.

They didn't even want to think about it. They just hoped that soon they will be in each other's arms again.


Marinette sighs. The plane just landed and she was feeling so tired. She knew her parents were gonna be waiting for her outside.

Taking in a deep breathe she got up and grabs her carry ons. She then heads off the plane and finds her luggage.

She stalls for a moment. She didn't want to face her parents. What if they figured out she never got rid of the baby? What if they decided to disown her?

All she could think about were the 'what if's' in her mind.

As she walks around with her luggage she spaces out. She didn't even realize her parents were right in front of her. That was until they called out to her.

"MARINETTE!" Her mother yelled to her.

Marinette flinched. Her mother didn't look happy. When she walked over to her parents she got disappointed looks.

"We have a very important discussion to have once we get home young lady." Sabine growls out.

"Yes, Maman." Marinette whispers.

"Now come on. We can't stay here much longer." Sabine and Tom then lead Marinette to their car.

That was one very... tense... and very quiet... car ride.

Marinette did NOT like where this was going.


A/n- Sorry for the short chapter.

Published- January 26th 2022

Words- 700

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