Chapter 11

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"All clear," Hawkeye stated through the earpiece. He positioned himself on one of the rooftops behind the building belonging to Hydra. Barton pulled out his bow in one quick move and placed an arrow in his hand, ready to fire at any moment. His black clothing camouflaged him against the moonless sky.

"Natasha?" Captain America asked quietly. He was standing in the back with Thor. Steve's hair and red, white, and blue shield were noticeable in the dark, but his dark blue outfit did its best to keep him hidden.

Thor's red cape was a dead giveaway, but he refused to take it off. He said it reminded him of his home and it would be dishonorable to his friends to remove it. Thor kept his arms crossed against his metal chest armor and his eyes wandered around. He grew impatient of waiting.

"Clear." Black Widow reported back. She leaned against one of the buildings and played with something in her hand. She stretched in her black outfit and yawned. Her short red hair sat behind her ear and her green eyes looked around in a bored state. "I think it would be a lot more fun if Clint and I played catch from here."

Clint chuckled, "I can't throw that far."

"You have a great arm. If you can shoot an arrow at someone without even looking at them, you can throw something from the top of a building down to me. It's my arm you should be worried about."

Steve hushed both of them and moved on. "Peter? We all set?"

Spiderman cracked his neck and checked his web devices. "Locked and loaded, Cap." He made sure his red mask was firmly on his head. His red and blue suit fit tightly against his skin, which advanced his nimbleness. Peter jumped up and down to get his adrenaline pumping.

I ran my hands along my black pants and stretched my dark purple top out just a bit. Natasha had picked out my outfit, and she is incredibly more flexible in this than I am. I rolled my eyes around in my contacts, trying to make sure they were properly in place. I silently contemplated on if any of this was worth it. So what if we had gotten the formula away from them. And then what? They could have more stashed away somewhere else. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and cracked my knuckles. Peter watched me and cocked his head. I whispered, "What are you looking at?"

Peter quickly peeked at the door and back at me. "Nothing. You can't even see my eyes," he shot back quietly.

"Alright, let's go," Captain America commanded through the earpiece.

Spider-Man shot the camera with his webs, covering the lens so the security guards couldn't see us entering the building. Peter sidestepped inside and shot at the first person he saw wandering around. The person fell to the ground all tied up in webbing. Peter made his way to the next door.

I could hear Natasha talking to Clint through the earpiece. Her tone was calm and steady, but had a hint of playfulness in it. "Barton, help me decide who to set up Rogers with. I've been trying, but he keeps rejecting my ideas."

I nodded to Peter, signaling to open the door, and I rushed inside. An alarm began to go off, which aided us in our mission. The ringing sounded like police sirens going off all around us, enveloping us in a soft blanket of noise. About a dozen scientists filed out of the room, but when they saw Peter, they immediately scrambled. I used my powers to hold the metal doors that lead to the exit shut. The scientists panicked and stood still in sheer silence. They didn't know whether to fight or flee. Agents sprinted down the stairs, ready to fight whatever stood in their way.

Good luck to them. I thought to myself with a smirk. I directed my attention to the scientists for a few seconds, "If you know what's good for you, you're going to stay right there and not move." I walked to the agents, who were already taking out their guns, and I threw the guns with a wave of my hand. Their shocked expressions, and some of terror, enlightened my spirit. "Go ahead. Make the first move."

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu