Chapter 27

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Steve walked into the plain, dark room and sat down in the chair opposite of our hostage. I followed and closed the door behind us. One light lit the room, which hung over the metal table. The atmosphere was cold, but things were only going to heat up.

Dahlia rolled her eyes as she sat tied to her chair. Agent Delores, age twenty eight, worked for Hydra most of her life. High school drop out and the agency's worst technician, Dahlia joined the field work early on. She killed her own family and didn't shed a tear, so add cold hearted to the list of her traits. She got paired up with me, and together, we did what our boss told us to. She was very bright, but not the best under pressure. I had admired her work once, but that was a long time ago.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms over my chest. "Dahlia, what a nice surprise. We really need to catch up."

"Catch up? There's nothing to catch up on with a traitor like you," she hissed back. Her chocolate eyes glared at me as she barred her teeth.

Steve set his hands on the table and clasped them together. He raised an eyebrow, but kept a straight face. "You need to tell us what Loki and Red Skull has planned."

"Why in hell would I tell you?" Dahlia snapped. She tried to get out of the handcuffs, but ended up hurting herself instead. She blew the blonde hair out of her face and groaned.

I slowly stepped towards her. "Because I have the opportunity to force it out of you," I sneered back.

"Are you really going to beat me up, Lilly Parker? I thought S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't into beating their hostages senseless," Dahlia questioned with a twisted smile.

She thought she had won. Oh, how wrong she was. I cracked my neck and chuckled to myself. My hazel eyes flickered back to her and held a glint of mischief. I leaned over the table to get closer to her and waited for a second. Dahlia straightened up and glanced away. She was never the type to look her opponent in the eye. "I don't work for them. I work alongside them. There's a difference."

Dahlia's eyes twitched for a second. She looked straight ahead at Cap, hoping he would hold me back. That was the great part. He wasn't going to.

Steve leaned back in his chair comfortably and watched her with his blue eyes. "Where's Loki?" A few moments of silence kicked in. Steve didn't move an inch. "What is he planning?"

Rogers nodded his head. I took that as a sign and punched her directly in the eye. Dahlia cringed and closed her eyes tightly. Silence followed, allowing me to pop her in the jaw. She moved her tongue around and spit some blood out on the floor. Her brown eyes glared at me, but still, she said nothing. I hit her a few more times and tightened the cuffs on her wrist before she finally gave up.

Dahlia cried out, "Stop! Fine! I'll tell you."

I backed away and shook my hand out. My knuckles were on fire and bruised, but it would go away soon enough. "Give us everything you have." Steve got up and held his chair out for me. I gladly sat down and set my hand against the cold metal table.

"Loki has a plan, and the Avengers will never win." She stopped there and waited for a reaction.

Steve got annoyed and replied, "You're wrong. What he's doing is being a dictator. This country is based on freedom, not on the rule of some trickster god. The world doesn't need a ruler. It needs unity. Equality. Something one ruler can't grant to the world."

Dahlia scoffed and spit out some blood at me. "He's gathered the Asgardian army, along with Hydra's soldiers. Putting them together makes it an army that's nearly unstoppable. The serum to make them invincible didn't quite work. He's thrown that idea away and focused on training them better." She twitched her nose and blinked a few times to clear her eyesight. Her bruised eye started to close from the swelling. "He's going to start the war in Chicago on April 20th. That's all I know."

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