Chapter 23

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"Something is very wrong here..." Spiderman trailed off as he checked around the corner of the building. He stretched in his costume and jumped back and forth. He had felt impatient since the other day when Bruce changed and attacked us. Peter wanted change. Wanted something more to his life. He missed Gwen.

But there was nothing I could do about it. I could only stand there and pretend everything was alright. The fight the other day really bothered me. How could Steve not trust me? How could he stand there and tell me I might be a danger to the mission? I knew how to handle myself. I wasn't five anymore. I tapped my hands against my blue jacket and black pants to the beat of one of my favorite songs. My contacts irritated my eyes and needed eye drops, but now was not the time. I needed to stay focused. "What do you mean?"

Logan joked around after he cracked his knuckles. "What, are your spider senses tingling?" He wore his custom costume he wore when he was at work with the X-Men. The blue and yellow suit pinched the muscles in his back and legs while his arms bulged. He took out his claws and a sharp ping sound rang in the air. He cringed at the slight pain.

"This isn't the time to be joking around," Steve commented through the mic. He was on the other side of the facility with Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Thor. They were going to flank the Hydra members from the top and work their way down to us.

Natasha snorted, "Clearly you don't know these guys. They joke around a lot." She glanced around at us and her emerald eyes flickered back to the front door. Her usual black outfit fit the curves of her body and allowed her to be nimble. Nat's red hair was straight, falling down to touch her shoulders.

I could never understand how she could fight with her hair in her face. But she was good at it, so I left it alone.

"Ready? On my mark," Steve began.

We waited patiently and eagerly. Something about the situation set my blood on fire and got my adrenaline pumping. Nat focused on the door and turned her back to us.

"3...2..." Captain America counted down.

Peter twitched at the sight of a red dot on the back of Black Widow's head. He jumped up as he screamed, "No!"

A loud sound erupted from across the street. The boom echoed off of the buildings and through the streets. My head jerked towards the origin of the shot and glimpsed back at Peter. The bullet tore his skin and wedged itself in between his collar bone and his rib cage. He cried out in agony and fell to the ground. Logan dove to catch Peter as warm blood flew everywhere, splashing anything in its path. Guns started firing and the alarm set off, creating a panicked state for the agents around us.

"Look alive guys. The hunters now have just become the hunted," Barton commented through the mic. Explosions were heard in the distance from his arrows and cries of pain erupted through the air.

My head whipped back to the shooter and I booked it. With a flick of my wrist, I created a portal leading to the top of the ten story building. I ran through and knocked out the first man I saw. Three guys jumped at me. My knuckles collided with one's jaw, making him fly backwards. I winced from the pain that soared up to my wrist and kicked another agent in the rib cage. He grabbed a hold of my foot; I grasped the pistol holstered onto my leg and shot his right arm. The man cried out, leaving me enough time to get out of his hold and knock the wind out of him with a punch to the gut. My elbow smacked him down onto the ground in an unconscious state.

The last agent pulled out his weapon, but I held out my hand and used my metal powers to stop the gun from firing. He paled at the sight and frowned. The man's hand took hold of a knife and swung it at me. I backed up and blocked his arm a few times before getting a hold of his hand and making him stab himself in the chest.

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