chapter 14(part 2):Crazy family

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Irene, Fredrick, William, Vivienne and Kevin sat across the head of the  Richelieu family.

Everyone looked towards a cute pink haired child that was currently being pinched on the cheeks.Willow stretched and sometimes poke the milky white cheeks.

William who's usual cold expression broke and replaced annoyance, "Lady Willow,please restrain yourself from pinching my brother's cheeks.I know there chubby,soft and fun to pinch but please,save him some face."

A man with golden framed glasses walked inside the room.He's short jet-black hair was combed back,show casing his forehead and his sharp emerald green eyes,his luscious pink lips and arched eyebrows that were perfectly placed on his flawless face that was free from acne and pores.

He had a height around 187cm,his skin was pale and had a mascular built.

"Willowann,where are your manners?" His voice was unusually deep and horse that would send shivers to anyone who hears it.

"Trevor,have you forgotten to take your medicine?your voice is a bit lower than usual." A woman who looked no older than 30 with the same jet-black colored hair as the other Richelieu family members asked worriedly

"Good afternoon to everyone and yes, I've already taken my medication, mother."

"Mmn,have a sit."

"A pleasure to meet you all and nice to see you again, Freya.My name is Trevor Jon Richelieu,the only son and the eldest among the three siblings of the Richelieu family."

"My mother and the current head of the family, Luann Stewart Richelieu and youngest daughter,Willowann Richelieu.The eldest daughter and father had unfortunately passed away."

Luann smiled and spoke softly, "Pardon for not introducing myself.It's part of our tradition that the heir shall introduce the family.Please don't take it to heart."

"Don't worry madam,we understand." Irene who kept an elegant demeanor spoke

"Trevor,why not assist our guests to their rooms.I'm sure they're exhausted from their long journey."

"Yes,mother.Please follow me and watch out for straps.Willowann, go back to work.If your skipping work again, I'll delay your paycheck by a month."

"Sorry to break it to you but I believe I still have 30 minutes of rest time." Willow stood up from her chair and looked at her mother

"Mother,please let me spend some more time with my favourite niece."

"Tsk,using your niece as an excuse to extend your break time.How shameless can you be?" Trevor pushed up his glasses

Willow grinned and retorted, "I can be as shameless as I want."

Luann smiled at the usual bickering of her children "Hahaha,of course Willow.Trevor,let your sister live a little."

"You've always been too soft towards Willowann,Mother."

"It isn't mother's fault.You're just too f*cking strict for your own good."Her tone held mockery

"Language.Act like a proper lady."

"Vivi,you have siblings,right? Is this how siblings fight?"Kevin whispered quietly to Vivienne

"I have three siblings and sometimes they use more vulgar words and weapons, specifically objects that are close to their location.My personal favourite is slippers and shoes."

William gently grabbed Kevin and pulled him away from Vivienne, "Too close."

Vivienne rolled her eyes and turned around and said, "Childish."



The six people's footsteps resonated the eerily empty and clean hallway.

"Freya,It's your first time visiting and it's mandatory for a Richelieu to know our family history.You are a bit late to learn but it will do."

Irene raised a brow and asked, "You're letting a kid who's not yet reached puberty and has not yet fully understanding of the world?"

"He did this to me when I was 3 years old.He gave me a thick history book and expected me to read it but he forgot that,I couldn't even say a complete sentence without mispronouncing a word let alone reading."Willow sighed with a smirk and proceeded to speak

"At age 7,brother performed his own composed piano piece in front of me before saying 'I showed you how,now learn.I'll give you a day to compose your own piece'and might I remind you I'm 5 at that time.I must admit that brother is a genius when it comes to mathematics and science but an idiot when it comes to understanding human emotions.That's why he doesn't have friends."Willow specifically stressed the word idiot while mocking stared at his brother

"You always take every opportunity to insult me but I must admit,that I was in the wrong at that time.I should have gave you a more difficult work like calculus instead of piano lessons.Maybe you'll be more discipline and lady-like."Trevor spoke in a flat tone while pushing up his glasses

"Four eyes needs more practice on making a comeback."

"How childish."

"Is this how siblings usually behave?" William asked Fredrick who was being left behind and treated as display

"Depending on their mood but overall, this is how siblings usually behave but sometimes it's more chaotic.If his highness treats my master this way then I have no choice but to send you to hell personally. " Frederick maintained his usual polite smile as he spoke

William chuckled before speaking, "Bold statement for a servant.My goal is too protect my brother from pests. I'm currently handling two and I don't want another."His eyes darkened as he stared at the butler

"I believe your speaking the truth but your highness, don't you dare take away his happiness.I have worked as a mercenary and I have more ways than one to silence you."

William stared at the servant's amber eyes that contained an intent to kill.

"If it weren't for my father hiring you personally,I wouldn't hesitate to kill you right now.How disappointing."

"Yes,yes,how disappointing."

"Annoying two-faced bastard."

"Thank you for the compliment your highness.This humble servant shall always remember this wonderful event."

The group had personally experience the difference between wealthy and extremely f*cking rich.They felt as if the got slapped by a blue whale's tail hundreds of times,got tossed by a tornado before getting crushed by an asteroid.

Irene asked, "Is there anything that isn't gold plated or even has gold in this house?"

"No,we have so much gold that it's basically useless to us since we use diamonds as coins."




[-2,000 of ego]

They were once again faced with a double mental face slap.Their ego's were damaged significantly and finally they decided to just shut up.

[Host's ego chart has now dropped to 50.I have finally been updated and I have now stocked +99 new items in my store.Virtual ice pack is recommended for your injury.]

[Virtual Ice Pack]
-Restores dignity as well as pride.
Cost:30 system points (SP)


[Host has 0 SP in earthling's terms, your broke as hell.Please don't forget to rate this system's update from 1-5.Have a nice day.]

Kevin finally experienced the feeling of defeat.


[Host's ego has dropped to 40,lol.]

I have now decided to update once a week!!

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