Chapter 24

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Before Adira could comprehend what was happening, she grabbed Owen's belt buckle with one finger and was tugging at his collar till he had moved off the floor and to on top of her. This kiss was growing more intense till Owen broke it, resting his forehead against hers. "Adira," he breathed. Adira didn't have any words for Owen at the moment. He dropped his lips back to her in a moment of misjudgment and she responded immediately. She came to life under his touch and as her hands came to cup his face, she held him back a little bit. His legs were on either side of her with his forearms resting on either side of her head, propping him up, and his hands were in her hair. "Do I need to break it off with Amelia?" Adira bit her lip and shook her head. "Then, you really must stop kissing me like this." Adira giggled against her will and slapped a hand over her mouth. “And, you must really stop doing that.

Adira touched her lips to his again and she got lost.

“OH!” screamed Makenna. “I am so SORRY!” She turned back around and rushed back down the stairs.

Owen pulled back and rested his forehead against her head. “Well, that was smooth.”

Adira slithered out from underneath him. “I must go apologize.” Adira ran down the stairs and went over to where Makenna was sitting on the edge of her bed, with her head in her hands. “Makenna, I am so sorry you had to see that.”

“No,” Makenna looked up, blushing like crazy. “I understand. They kids aren’t home. What is that the first time that has happened in weeks? You always say you and your husband our busy and the only time you don’t see the kids is when you are away. And, I am hiding because I am embarrassed. That, on the couch, was two people who had all right to be together. Two people in love. What I give, what I sell, that is not love. That is it’s cheap, dark shadow. I am embarrassed and hiding because it makes me feel dirty. A feeling that I had buried so long ago.”

Adira smiled, patted Makenna’s hand, and headed back up to where Owen was. Adira continued on passed him and went up the shower. She slipped under the burning stream and held back the tears because right now she had to be strong.

Owen saw a new side of Adira as she came down the stairs in her full glory. She came down in a pair of fitted, black dress pants; a silk, white blouse, with a halter top neck; a tight, black blazer; and, a pair of tall stilettos. “Wow,” he whispered.

“You will see a side of me that I hope most of the world will never see and should not see.” She said, stiffly, as she grabbed the plate of breakfast he had left out for her.

Owen raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?” Makenna came up from the basement, grabbed her breakfast, and went into the other room.

Adira watched her leave and whispered to him, “I am going to be scary. Not the streets scary, not the scary with my gun in my hand, but scary that I could put someone in jail for a long time.”

Owen nodded, “Okay?”

“I am serious, Owen. Promise me you won’t look at me differently, because as Chief of the Hospital, you have to deal with me. You will see me angry. Something you do not want to see.” He saw the seriousness in her eyes and it scared him. Adira was on a mission and he wasn’t about to stand in her way.

He nodded once again. “Let’s go to work, honey.” She picked up her bag and he offered her his hand as Makenna headed out to the car.

Adira stalked into Lizzy’s room. “Are you alright?” She questioned, dropped her bag and went over to side. She held up her hand that had held the attacker at bay, yesterday night when she was gone. She looked at the light cut on her neck and was steaming.

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