Grey's Anatomy

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Adira huddled her kids into the corner of the parking lot and addressed them carefully. She made sure that her gun was tucked in the back of her leggings before she crouched in front of them, because she didn't want to scare the kids. Jeremiah and Joshua were the oldest, but still they were only seven. "Hey, Jeremiah, can you hold your baby sister for Mommy?" She handed Justice over to him carefully and then she turned to Joshua. "Can you hold James?" Joshua nodded and held him tightly. Justice was only a few months old but Jeremiah coddled her to his little chest expertly.

Adira stood and made sure the crude wrapping on her three bullet wounds was holding up; she had ripped up her shirt to use as gauze because she had once been a doctor before she had become a cop. The doctor in her knew that her three bullet wounds would be infected soon if she didn't get help and the doctor in her also knew that the meth in her was going to flood her systems soon; she had only taken it moments ago on the beach when...Adira steeled herself. She had to focus; there was no time for feelings. She wanted to scream—she could feel the scream clawing it's way from her heart to her throat. Her sad eyes scanned her children and she made a spilt second decision. She had no idea if it was the right decision, but it felt like her only decision. She did the one thing she was never supposed to do. The one thing they warned undercover's not to do—she dialed 911. Before the dispatcher could say anything, Adira started talking: "Trace the phone. Do not send police. Only an ambulance without any lights or sirens. I have three bullet wounds that need immediate attention. Badge number: Alpha. Whiskey. Omega. Twenty-three. Thirty-six."

"On their way as we speak."

"Bring me to Seattle Grace - Mercy West."


Adira was carted through the door on a stretcher and that's when she started screaming. "BAILEY! SHEPERED! BAILEY! SHEPERED!" Her kids looked at her in alarm, but she was running out time.

Yang snapped at her, "Would please shut up! Now, my name is Christina Yang and I am here to help you—"

"GET ME BAILEY!" Adira screamed again at the top of her lungs. She knew she probably looked crazed with her thick black mane sticking to her face and neck, slick with sweat. Her white bikini was stained with blood and her gut was slowly coloring her white shirt red. The doctor in her knew that she had about two minutes before the methamphetamine took over her whole system. She didn't know how she would react to it, Adira had never done drugs before. She had sat next to a few kids smoking weed once for a different undercover mission, but this had been hard drugs.

Bailey heard her name being screamed across the floor. "What the hell is happening for my name to be screamed across the—"

Yang rushed to explain, "I think she is craz—"

"Bailey!" Screamed Adira again. The clock was ticking down in her head.

"Adira!" Bailey was so happy to see her baby girl again and then she saw she was on a stretcher. Surrounded by her four kids with blood streaming down her front.

Adira grabbed Bailey's hand, forcing her out of her surprised daze at seeing Adira, and it took a second for her Adira's eyes to find Bailey's face. "I need a private room because I am going to blitz out soon—"

"Blitz?" snapped Bailey, not following

"I am going to blitz, Bailey." She repeated as her eyes started to dart around frantically. "I have less than a minute and a half before something bad happens. Someone take my children. Now."

"Meredith take these four children!" hollered Bailey, her eyes never leaving Adira's. She watched them dilate before her. "Give them anything they need!" Bailey started pushing Adira to the closest private room available as Meredith struggled to get all four kids off the stretcher as they started to move.

Adira started to laugh as the meth entered her nervous system; she was relieved that someone had taken her children away from her at the moment. They had already been through so much today and she didn't want them to see her like this; remember her like this. Her pupils dilated all the way and she started to sweat excessively: The classic signs of meth. "What did you do, baby?" Questioned Bailey as she pushed back the hair from Adira's face. Adira laughed. Bailey clutched Adira's face tightly, her palms pressed flat against the flushed skin of Adira's cheeks. "What have you done?" whispered Bailey.

"I was being a good cop! I closed the deal," Adira sounded like a whining child. "He'll be going to jail for a long time." And that's when Adira's body started spasming uncontrollably

Derek had been wandering through the ER, looking for whoever paged him for a neuro consult, but had ended up catching sight of someone he thought he might never see in person again. Her body was engulfed in the tattoos he remembered with the same wild Raven hair he used to see every day. He jogged around the corner, trying to follow her as Bailey weaved her bed through people to get to a room. Bailey slammed the door shut behind them and it took Derek awhile to fumble with his badge to unlock the door. He rushed into the room to see Bailey trying to transfer Adira onto the hospital bed. "What the hell is my baby girl on the hospital bed?"

Bailey shook her head in confusion as she tried to hold down Adira. "She has three bullet wounds. Two to the abdomen and one to the shoulder. But, she came rampaging into the hospital screaming about some meth in her system because there was something wrong with it. Something very wrong."

"Where are the kids?" He questioned as he moved to stabilize her neck. "When did she get here?"

Questions kept spewing out of his mouth and Bailey had no answers. She tried to keep up as best she could. "Meredith took them and I told her to take care of them. We need Dr. Hunt," Decided Bailey. "He'll know what to do. I don't know what to do with tainted meth."

Derek opened the lock door and pointed at a nurse. "You! Yeah, you! Go find Dr. Hunt. Now!" Derek didn't yell often but now he was. He would do anything to save Adira. He rushed back inside and went right back to Adira's head. "What should we do?"

"What should we do?!" Cried Miranda Bailey. "I don't know what to do! I always know what to do! Where's Hunt?!"

"Do not yell at me!" Shouted back Derek.

"Okay," Bailey took a deep breath as she held down Adira's arms so she didn't accidently hurt herself or rip open the gun wounds even more. Derek kept her neck stabilized as best he would with her continuous thrashing. "We both want the same thing, Derek. We want Adira to be okay."

Dr. Hunt burst through the door. "What's going on?" He saw the woman on the bed and sprinted forward. "What did she take?" Bailey didn't answer right away. "What did she take?" He repeated in a growl.

"All I know is that it was meth and something went wrong. It was to make a drug deal—she was undercover. She thinks the meth is tainted. I don't know anything else," she hissed at him. He gave her a funny look. "I don't know what else to tell you!"

"Okay, okay. We'll have to let her ride it out. Put her on an IV and keep her steady."

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