Year two, Summer Begans

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He went and got on the train. Harry noticed his family was there waving off his brother. Harry brushed by them and went to get on the train. It seemed that his family was good at ignoring him. He found at rain compartment that was empty other then a blonde girl that looked like a first year. Harry said hi and the two began to talk. As they talked he realized that she was like him a seer. Harry said "Luna your like me you see the future too." She nodded and said "Harry I think we are going to be great friends." Harry said "You are right we are going to be great friends." Harry couldn't wait he was

going to have some one to talk to about what he sees. Its hard to bring up visions and talk about it. He would be able to talk to someone else that would understand him.

Harry and Luna was joined by Nevelle and Cedric. The other two got to know Luna and they became fast friends. Before they knew it the train arrived and they told Luna they would see her at the feast. Harry and Cedric sat down next to Cedric's friends and Nevelle went and sat down next to Hermione. The sorting went quickly and Luna became a Ravenclaw. The school year went on it seemed that things was going great before Halloween. Harry Heard about Ms Norris Filches cat and how she was petrified. Attacks happen regularly. Soon it was time for Christmas. Harry had received his presents from his friends and he gave them theirs before they left. Again Harry stayed at school. When he woke up Christmas morning he unwrapped the presents which included something from his Aunt Minnie, Uncle Filius, Cedric, Nevelle and Luna. Of course just like always nothing from Remus, Sirius, the twins, Samuel or his father.

He started to cry. He thought about how he wished they would remember but they didn't. Of course no presents from them. He didn't know why he believed they wouldn't forget. He tried stopping the tears that fell from his eyes. He had to be happy for when he went and thanked his uncle and aunt. He didn't want them to know that his family forgot again. They knew that he was neglected but how far it went they didn't know. They both suspected that he was abused as well but they had no evidence of it. He calmed down washed his face and in full pj's went to thank his aunt Minnie and his uncle Filius for the gifts. He plastered a smile on his face as he peeked into his aunts quarters and smiled when the two of them was both in there. He knocked on the door frame to get there attention.

The two adults smiled when they saw him and invited him in. Harry went in and sat on the chair near the fire. He was then given a cup of hot chocolate. He then told them thanks for the gifts. After spending time with his two favorite adults he went back to his dorm and put things away. The Christmas holidays came to an end and school started back up. The petrification attacks kept happening. Till towards the end of the school year when it all stopped. The petrified were woken up and it seemed that everyone was alright. The exams were cancelled do to what happened during the year. They all got on the train and headed for home at the end of the year. The four friends promised to write and tell each other what was going on in their lives.

After the train was at the station in king cross he waited for the train to thin out before exiting with his friends. Again his father and rest of his family was waiting for him so they could apparated. He slowly made his way over to his family. Once there he was instructed to grab hold of Remus. Remus apparated them to the manor. Harry went to his room to unpack his trunk. It was early July when things turned for the worse for him it was also when he would have a bit more contact with his future boyfriend. His mind had gone to a dark place and he was constantly thinking of killing himself. The day where he finally attempts suicide was a hot sunny day it was the 8th of July. Earlier that day Samuel was getting a visit from not only the twins but the rest of the Weasley. It turned out that they wanted to apologize to Harry about their behavior. It seemed that all but one of them realized that they did horrible things to the small twelve year old.

Ron didn't see the point. So he planned on teasing and tormenting the boy why his brothers was hanging out with Sam. Harry didn't know what was going on he was just asked to go down stairs that there was some people here to talk to him. He didn't know who or why but he headed down stairs. As he was walking to the room he was asked to go to he was bumped into. After that he noticed that it was the youngest of the Weasleys. He noticed that the rest of his brothers had quit but he got worse. He hated the boy in front of him. Harry was scared he didn't know what the boy in front of him was going to do. He didn't even know why he was here. Ron started to harass Harry. He was teasing Harry about his mom at the moment.

As Ron was picking on Harry when someone came up to Ron and smack him on the back of his head. When Ron turned around he saw his second oldest brother Charlie. Charlie said "Ronald what are you doing to the boy. You are in so much trouble floo home. Mother and father will have a punishment for you." Ron stomped away and flooed home. Charlie had sent a protronus to his parents about Ron's behavior and what happened. Charlie then turned to Harry and said "Sorry he shouldn't have done that my brothers wanted to say something to you if you will listen to them." Harry nodded and blushed. He didn't noticed before but he found the boy in front of him to be cute.Charlie said "In case you forgot my names Charlie we meet briefly at your brothers birthday. I was hoping we could get along and we could hang out." Harry being to stun to say anything just nodded. He then followed the boy to the room.

Once in the room with the rest of the Weasleys he stood by the door with his head down. He didn't want to look at any of them and he wanted to be able to make a quick exit if need be. Percy started and said "Harry look we wanted to say sorry for how we acted towards you." Fred and George said "Yeah sorry we just judge you before we knew you. Since all we heard from Sam was how horrible of a person you were and that you were constantly getting in trouble. We took the whole thing too far." Percy then said "We want to change our opinion of you and get to know you will you forgive us." Harry said "I don't know. I want to get to know Bill and Charlie since they haven't done anything to me. I don't know about the others yet. You ruthlessly picked on me for no other reason then my brother told lies to you. Cause he hated me and wanted you to hate me too. I did nothing to you other then be there so I don't know."

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the pictures all rights and credit goes to the owners of both I do own the OCs and the plot of the story

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