A Horrible thing begins

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Warning Rape 

He was sitting between his dad and Charlie Weasley. Harry leaned against his dad. His dad immediately noticed something was wrong he whispered "Harry do you not feel good. Do you want to go back to the tent." Harry whispered, "I don't feel good daddy I want to go back and lay down." James said, "Do you want me to go with you or will you be fine." Charlie who heard all of this said, "James I'll go with him you watch the game."  Charlie and Harry snuck out of the box and down the stairs. Once at the bottom on the ground Harry leaned over and vomited all over. Harry was picked up by Charlie and the man hurried to the tent. Charlie had to stop a couple of times to let Harry throw up. Once in the tent Harry made it to the toilet before throwing up. Charlie helped Harry into the tub to cool him down and to sort of clean him up. Charlie was washing down the boy when his hand slightly touched the sick boys dick. Charlie wasn't planning on doing anything to the boy he had a crush on but his will broke and he did.

Harry had a fever and was out of it. He really didn't understand what was going on to even protest. Charlie laid Harry on the bed naked then put up silencing and locking charms he knew he had time but didn't want interrupted if they came back early. Charlie stroked the erected dick and started playing with the nipples of the sick boy. Harry just kind of stared not really taking in what Charlie was doing but moaned as he was played with. Charlie opened up Harry and slowly stuck his hard dick inside of the tight ass of Harry. Harry moaned and whimpered as he tried to think through his sick fog brain. Before he could Charlie was pounding into him and was thrusting in and out of him. Charlie had just pulled out after he came within Harry when Harry rolled over and puked into the metal bin next to his bed. This happened a few more times before Harry fell asleep. Charlie had cleaned them up and put PJs on Harry and was reading as the boy slept when the rest came back. James and them was being loud when Charlie said, "Shush you'll wake him." James came over and said, "thanks Charlie how is he." Charlie said, "Not good I would leave and go home instead of staying." James said "Thats what we shall do again thanks." Sam came over and said, "Dad what's going on." James said "Sam, Harry is sick we are going to go home so he can be looked after better."

Sam said, "Alright I will let the others know why you gather Harry." James said "Thanks for understanding Sam." Sam left and told the others that they were leaving. James came out with Harry in his arms and Remus shrunk the tent and they left. Harry woke up briefly to throw up and ask his dad to stay with him. Once on the bed James went and changed then laid down next to his sick son and fell asleep. James woke up a couple of times when Harry woke up and threw up over the side of his bed into a bucket that James put there. James vanished the puke and then went back to sleep. In the morning James woke up to Harry throwing up again. James said, "How you are feeling this morning." Harry said, "Other than sick alright my hips and lower back hurt." James had red flags at this why would that area hurt. James said, "Why does your lower back and hips hurt." Harry said, "Cause Charlie took advantage of me being sick and raped me." James yelled "I WILLKILL THAT SOB HOW DARE HE DO SUCH A THING TO YOU. I'LL KILL HIM." this got Remus Sirius and Sam busting through the door. Sirius said, "What SOB are you killing and why." James said, "Charlie Weasley he raped Harry." Sam said, "there is no way he did that." Harry said "Memoria Projecto." they watched as the memory through sick fog brain took place from leaving to him being raped to him falling asleep.

There was silence before Harry threw up again. They all left James went to the floo and fire called St Mungos and asked for a house call since he wasn't sure they could make it to St Mungo with Harry throwing up the way he was. So, a healer came through the floo and followed James to Harry's room. There Harry was throwing up again. James said "Harry I got a healer to see what is wrong with you alright. Harry nodded afraid if he went to talk, he would throw up again. The healer asked some questions and got answers to everything. The healer tested for all the wizarding sickness. Wizard flu, dragon pox and others. When those came up negative, he started testing for muggle sicknesses. Flu, plague, pneumonia, and others. When those came back negative. He started for more advance sicknesses like cancer and even pregnancy even if being pregnant was unlikely since he was sick before he was raped.

 The test for pregnancy came back negative like they believed it would the healer noticed as he was doing test that it said he was raped. The healer said, "Did you know Harry was raped." James said, "Just found out before calling you last night a family friend offered to watch Harry why we watched the match and during that time he raped him." the healer nodded. Since after rape it said last night and if he was sick then of course they wouldn't have known till Harry told them when he was awake or if he felt he could. The healer was becoming puzzled what was wrong with this boy. Every test he ran except for the cancer one came back negative. The cancer test was still running it took a moment to run before a result since there was several cancers out there. Finally, that test came back negative. The healer was confused and decided to see if it might be a delayed symptom from a potion gone wrong or something like that. He would also check for poison just in case.

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the Pictures. all credit goes to proper owner of both. I do own the OCS and the plot of the fanfic

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