the first Attempt

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A/N I own neither the Pictures or Harry Potter the rights and credit to the owners of both I own the OCs and the plot of this story Just as a heads up if the tittle doesn't give it away Trigger Warning this Chapter has a suicide attempt so if you want to skip this chapter fill free you've been warned 

Harry couldn't stand it any long and ran from the room. Even if he said he wanted to get to know the oldest of the Weasley kids he wasn't going to be. He went to the bathroom and locked the door. He went and pulled out his wand. He knew that his family would be better without him. He was going to end his life. It may not be as quick as avada kadavra but it would work. He took the wand and said the cutting spell he repeated the spell so that he had cut his wrist. Hethen sat against the bathroom wall waiting for himself to bleed out. What he didn't know was that soon someone would come in and save him from dying. Sirius was looking for his Harry pup. He wanted to spend the day with him. He wasn't in his room, so he went to check the library when that was empty Sirius got the others to help look for him. This included the Weasley boys. Charlie had just gotten to the locked bathroom. He knocked on the door and waited. After no answer he used Alorahamora and unlocked the door. Inside was Harry unconscious and bleeding out. Charlie ran into the room and sent a protronus to alert the others of what was going on.

Charlie healed Harry to the best of his abilities as he waited. He knew that the boy in his arms needed more healing than what he could provide. James was the first one to find them after hearing the protonus saying that Harry needed help. He was sad that his child because of him and others drove him to attempt to commit suicide. He would have succeeded in it if Charlie hadn't found him in time. They didn't dare move him till a healer said it was fine to. James quickly fire called Poppy and asked her to come that it was an emergency. Poppy flooed over as quickly as she could James explained what he knew as they went. Once she saw Harry, she immediately got to work and healed Harry. Once she said it was fine Charlie picked him up and moved him to his bed. He talked with Bill and the two adults Weasleys sent the others home.

Both Bill and Charlie lived outside of the burrow. Bill lived in Egypt. He worked as a curse breaker for Gringotts, and Charlie lived on the reservation where he worked as a dragon tamer. Charlie was on Holiday and Bill had the day off. Charlie was due back at the reservation in three days. He wanted to make sure that Harry was alright before leaving Bill stayed for a bit before headed home. He flooed to the burrow to tell the others bye before he went home. Shortly after Bill left Harry woke up. Charlie said, "Oh good your awake you had us all worried." Harry didn't say anything. He couldn't figure out why he was alive, and he couldn't figure out why anyone cared. No one cared in the past. They would have been glad he died if he did it earlier.

After all his family hated him. They always left him out and they always beat him and blamed him for things that went wrong. He couldn't see why that changed last year. Unless it was a new way of hatefulness. That they would pretend to like him and love him then smash it all away when they decide it was enough and beat him. Charlie said "Harry you should know there are people in this house that love you and would miss you if you died. It saddens them to see that you tried to kill yourself." Harry finally said "I don't see why you say that. It's not like they truly care they all hate me. They always found a way to tell me just how much they hate me. They constantly told me that it was my fault for whatever went wrong." Charlie hugged him and said, "That isn't how they truly felt they were just hurting from losing your mum and they didn't know how to express it." Harry said "I know I really don't remember her, but I lost her too and yet I'm the only one that got treated that way. How could they really love me if I was treated with hate. They can't really love me I was a mistake child. They didn't want me. No one wants me and no one needs me. Please leave me alone. Get out."

Charlie had noticed the other adults and Sam at the doorway. They heard what Harry said about the way they made him feel. It saddens them that they did it to him. That they made him feel like he was a mistake. Something that needed to be gotten rid of and that they wouldn't care if he died. Charlie stood and left so did the others. Charlie had realized that he needed some privacy and that he was upset. Charlie flooed to the burrow. Harry lay on his bed curled in a ball and cried. Why didn't he die. He wanted to die so he was out of the way. That he was fixing a mistake. Its all he could think of was his parents really didn't want him. Harry was still crying when his father came to check on him.

James went into the room and sat on the bed. He then started to rub his Bambi's back. He said "Bambi, I don't want you to die. I love you too much to want you to die. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here anymore. I also know that uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony would be sad. They both love you a whole hell of a lot too. What about Uncle Filius and Aunt Minnie? They both love you very much and your friends would miss you." Harry uncurled and said " I know that Aunt Minnie and Uncle Filius would be sad and would miss me, but they would move on so would my friends. How can you say you love me when you don't do anything with me? You've beat me most of my life. How does missing mum justify treating me like a mistake. I don't get it."

  James sighed. His Bambi was right. There was no justice when they decided to beat and neglect him. There was no reason to take out their grief of losing Lily out on Harry. It was no wonder that he thought this way. James wondered how could they change Harry's thoughts so he didn't try again. How could they prove that they loved him other than to spend time with him not forget his birthday. Maybe get him a pet an owl or a cat or something. Maybe both of them. He needed an owl to send messages to his friends without waiting for one of them to send a message first. The family owl along with Sam's owl seemed to hate Harry for some reason. Whenever he would get close to them, they attacked him. At least that's what it looked like.  

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