Chapter 1

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Sonic's POV
I woke up from my small nap as I yawned before lifting my head a bit to see that yup, I was still in this cage. Sighing through my nose I rolled onto my side and huffed 'how long have I been in here, a month...2 months?' I rolled my eyes.
'Wow, who knew, the town's hero Sonic the Hedgehog suddenly disappeared for  2 whole months,'.

I stared at the bars in pure boredom 'this is what I get for being careless, I could be running through the fields by now to my heart's content. Not be stuck in a small cage where I can barely stretch my legs,' 
My ears perked up when I heard whimpering and footsteps 'oh man, I wonder what today is going to be like,' I rolled back to lay down properly listening for anything but nothing happened.

That's when the doors to the back open hours later, showing the man, I hate the most...Ok, that's a lie, I hate that egghead more, but he'll be the 15th slot.

Wow, how must it feel to be placed somewhere in the back, not even in the top 10's I don't even have a top 5 or 10 most hated people.
I placed my paw over my muzzle to stop myself from laughing, before shaking my head.

Anyway, besides that guy isn't truly worth it, he's such a bother and pretty stuck up only caring about the money he gets than his own store, employees, or even the pets here.
'Man, maybe once I'm back in the clear. I'll get him thrown behind bars,' 

But other than that. I just need to be patent for now...I hate waiting. I huffed once more when a bowl was thrown on the floor in front of my kennel, 'wow, really nice. How about you throw it harder next time,' I had to stop myself from growling at him but went against it.
I looked at the bowl that was placed in front of me before turning my head in disgust 'I can't stand this junk. I want a chili dog instead,' I put my head down pouting a little.

'How annoying, I rather have a tea party at eggheads place than be in this situation at this point, 2 months is too long for me,' so, when I saw the owner of this establishment go past my cage I growled and snapped at him, causing him to make a mad dash for it 'haha. Actually, now that I think about have I ever been let out?.. Oh, you have got to be kidding!'



--Time Skip-->>

I was woken up to the sound of people talking, and kids laughing, meaning the store was open 'shocker, people even bother to come to this dump,' I lifted my head up yawning when I noticed my kennel was cleaned before my ears pointed forward listening out for anything.
When the doors to the back opened allowing people to walk through and one of them was... 'Wait! Is that Amy!!?' I watched her look around for a bit as my tail wagged slightly as others were being chosen left and right.

But she hadn't picked any of the others just yet.

'Maybe, if she hadn't chosen yet she could probably get me out of here,' I placed my paw against the bars while trying to move a little closer to the bars when she turned her attention towards me as our eyes met.
She gave me a small smile and went over to me "hey there," she says while poking at my paw but I just stared at her then slightly lowered my head down causing her to giggle a bit when I moved my paw.

She then slightly reached her hand through the bars to rub my muzzle before standing up and leaving... 'she just left me... Seriously,' I huffed.

'I actually wanted her to adopt me, oh come on! But, uh. I'm fine with any of my friends adopting me not just Amy, but still, she could have gotten me out of here,' I rolled onto my side pouting once more when moments later she and the owner returned together so I sat up once more with my ears pointed forward.
"I want him," Amy says as my tail wagged when she pointed at me "Um, are you sure Ms. Rose? He's a bit on the feisty side and is extremely dangerous, p-plus. Wouldn't he be too big for your house?" he says 'Oh come on man! If she wants to adopt me she can. And don't just drag me through the mud like that!' I had to stop myself from growling, so I could look completely different then the description he was giving me.

"That didn't stop you from putting him in this small cage. Let me have him," Amy says while frowning 'I'm so glad she's stubborn, I'll never complain about you agian,' I then watched as Amy snatched the keys from him before opening my cage for me.
"Come out boy," she said with joy as I slowly got out of the cage as they backed up while I stretched my legs as far as possible, well. Not too far, I wouldn't want my arms stretching across the room and scaring them.
Then she might put me back. We can't have that, can we?

Once fully out of the cage I then did a big stretch before yawning then stood up completely making sure to remain on all fours, as the two just stared at me.

'What are they staring for?' I tilt my head "you said he was big, but I didn't know this big!!" Amy says as the man's jaw drops "he-he grew bigger!!" he shouted before making another mad dash for it "you can have him for free I don't care take him away!!!!" 

'Isn't that a little unprofessional of you sir?'

Amy then looked at me when I noticed we were making eye contact 'oh, I forgot how tall I was in this form, or did I grow?'  "I guess, you're coming home with me for free then, oh! Let's also get you a bigger collar too, the one I got is a bit small," she says as she reached up to pat my head.
My tail wagged as I gave her a wolfish grin making her giggle at me, then she started walking with my following right after her 'it feels so good to finally move around agian, I can't wait to get back to running,' I had to stop my self from trotting around like an idiot.

'Amy. You're the best!'



--Time Skip-->>

We were now finally on our way to Amy's house, as my new collar jingled with every step I took, but that's fine I actually don't mind it really.
Well, besides the stares I got from other people who were shocked by my large size I get it, it's not every day you get to see a werehog in the daytime that looks almost like your missing hero, it's a shocker really.

Though on the way to her house, Amy started listing off a bunch of facts and rules as I walked at her side, there was one single piece of information that actually took me by surprise once we were out of ear rage from the others...

Third person POV

Amy and her new pet were almost at Amy's house as the pink hedgehog smiled with pure joy while skipping with every step she took.

Her pet stayed at her side since he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to walk at his normal pace due to how big he was and would probably walk too fast for the pinkette who happily hummed with joy, though little did they know. This little stole of theirs would turn a little more complicated than it needed to be...


Heyo my Kings, Queens, and Royals!! I have once agian changed this book for a third time just because and I really hope you all don't mind that I did this. I've really been rewriting these books a bit too much hehe.

But I can't help the new idea's I have, plus, I recently kinda got back into Sonic all over agian sooo. 



AngelicDemin ~

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