Chapter 3

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Sonic's POV

It was dinner time Finally!!! I had to hold myself back and just followed Amy downstairs to the kitchen as my tail wagged with joy 'oh man I can't wait!' 






'I can't believe this!!' I stared at my bowl that was in front of me that had dog food in it 'there's no way!! Shads say Sike right now!! You know this is me right you can't do this!!!' 

I almost cried as I looked at the two that sat at the table eating my precious chili dogs right in front of my face 'I hate this life, I'm gonna run away!!' I laid on the floor pouting 'I don't want to eat this at all, why can't I have one...' I slightly pawed at my bowl sniffing 'I want a chili dog...chili dog...chili dog,' rolling onto my back I faked being dead.
'I can't survive like this anymore, why...' I soon rolled back over when I heard a giggle which earned my attention.

Just to see Amy laughing at me 'THE BETRAYAL!!' I huffed before lowering my head in annoyance pouting one more.



--Time Skip-->>

I was downstairs waiting for Amy to allow me in her room since she was bathing when a certain smell earned my attention as my ears perked up and I quickly lifted my head when my eyes met Crimson. 

'Oh heck...' "So it is you, Faker," Shadow says before putting my plate down on the floor 'is it too late to pretend it's not me...but they smell so good!!' I couldn't help it I quickly dug in stuffing each one into my mouth greedily.
"So," Shadow spoke up earning my attention as I sat up straight and slowed down a bit so as to not chock myself "how did you end up getting yourself locked up in a kennel at a pet store?" he questioned now glaring at me, as I laughed nervously "well... it's a long story," I replied when he hummed before heading towards the kitchen.

Then he returned with a drink for me "we have either tonight or tomorrow to talk," he says as I took the glass from him chugging it down "also, how long do you plan on hiding?" he then asked me.

"Uh, well. You see...I don't plan on ever showing this side of me... it's a bit..." I glanced to the side cutting myself off by stuffing another chili dog into my mouth.

I could feel his eyes boring into my soul so I glanced over at him "this forms a bit embarrassing..." I muttered when he sighed "she should be out soon," he says before taking my plate and cup from me while I cleaned my hands off to try and get rid of the evidence.

'Since I don't plan on her knowing it's me any time soon, it wouldn't be a good idea if she knew her brother gave me something that's meant to be toxic for dogs,'

I chuckled to myself a little while laying down to continue waiting patiently "Sky," I heard Amy call out for me as I soon got up and went upstairs where she was waiting for me as my tail wagged softly "let's get to bed," she says while I nodded my head in agreement.


Soon about what 3 weeks went by, I guess when Amy had to lead me to the door, we went on walks together, but I was really itching for a run right about now, walks just don't do it for me and I mean my normal runs.

"Ok Sky, today, I going out with friends today and I really want you to meet them too, but I guess that's going to have to wait cause Shadow said you might want to move on your own," Amy says.

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