Chapter 8

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Blake p.o.v

It took us the rest of the day to say our goodbyes and to get our suppliers for the trip even tho what surprised me was that Aleister and Selena wanted to come along with us too and Aleister had knowledge about what Fabian's castle we could use to our advantage. Of course, Dante is annoyed about it but I couldn't give a dam what he thinks, however, halfway to the airport we have one slight problem and that problem goes by the name of Amelia, none of us noticed that she hid in the car until we got to the airport to caught a flight to Africa since we could take her back we had to bring her with us, she must have sneaked some of her stuff with her since she has a bag and passport with her, not sure why she wants to come I am guessing that its either got to do with me or Dante.

The good thing is that we are taking the private plane and disguised it so if Fabian has any spies when we touch down they won't be able to recognise it or us since we will be disguised as well. I have already called ahead to Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde to let him know we were coming and I would like a meeting with him as soon as we land. We are on in the air and no surprise Amelia is trying to flirt with me and everyone on this flight but it's a good thing Morgan is here cuz she has used a spell and put her to Amelia to sleep until we land.

Ryan comes over to me and sits beside me I can tell by the look on his face that something is bothering him and everyone else is sleeping so we talk very quietly.

Blake - you ok Ryan?

Ryan - what do you mean?

Blake - Ryan I know you and I know when something is wrong with you?

Ryan - that easy to ready huh?

Blake - so what's going on?

Ryan sighs.

Ryan - are you asking as my brother in law or as my Alpha?

Blake - brother.

Ryan - I just have a bad feeling that at least one of us won't be going home.

Blake - I have the same feeling Ryan I just hope that's all it is, let's try and get some sleep.

He nods to me before we both settle in for some rest as we will need it but it didn't come easy for me. It's the next morning when we landed and I met with the Prime Minister, he permitted us to search the Congo for my Queen but had warned us not to harm any of his people since he knew what we were but he was mainly talking to the vampires at that point. Before we even stepped into the jungle we heard rumours from the locals of a part of the Congo that was off-limits, which made me think maybe that is when Fabian has his castle so we gathered up as much information as we could but we couldn't get much as no one knew where it was apart from one person saying it was in the middle of the jungle.

Morgan and her brothers lead the way as we enter the jungle with our bag packs on our backs they seem to know where we are going for now anyway, I have to admit that this jungle is beautiful and full of life, Titan is loving all the new sights, the smells and the sounds of this rainforest but the one sound that is getting on my nerves is the sound Amelia whining and we have been only walking for a couple of hours, she has been moaning all that time.

Amelia - my feet hurt.

It's not only me that's had enough of her whining but it's Dante that shuts her up after the rest of us fail too.

Dante - Amelia shut the fuck up, no one asked you to come along, either shut up and keep walking or you can go back to the village and stay then until we return.

Amelia - fine

I then hear Ryan's voice coming through the mind link.

(Ryan - at least he can do something right.

Blake - true so he's not so pussy whipped with her now.

Ryan - no wonder she flirts with anything that moves kinda reminds me of that slut that was after you....what was her name again?

Blake - seriously?

Ryan - yeah.

Blake - I am gonna slap you, how can you not remember your own mate's sister?)

He starts to laugh at me through the mind link and that's when I realise he's making fun of me so I say out loud.

Blake - oh you little shit!!

Then chase him in circles while the others laugh at us, I try to grab him but he dodges me, but Axel has to interrupt our fun and reminds us why we are here.

Axel - I hate to interrupt but we have to get elsewhere before dark so we can set up camp and let's not forget why we are here.

Ryan - we haven't forgotten about Scarlett, Axel.

I stand up then help up Ryan to make up for lost time we shift into our wolves apart from the vampires, Morgan, Blaze and Axel, who use their speed to keep up with us. We run with our bags in our mouths until it gets dark we made up good time by shifting and running, now we have found a suitable place to set up camp either tho I would like to keep going I can see everyone is exhausted from travelling to here and from the running I don't want to make them collapse due to exhaustion. We managed to set up camp quickly and for dinner, we packed some dehydrated food to make sure we get no unwanted guests or surprises we set up a watch changing every 2 hours, tonight Sebastian was to go first then Aleister followed by Dante then Axel who was to finish up the night, I am not worried about sleeping outside like this since I have been camping before with my family when the kids were young what I am worried about it is Scarlett if that jack ass has hurt her in any way I will do everything in my power to kill him and this time nothing or no one will stop me.

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