Chapter 18

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Scarlett p.o.v

He's alive!!! My love is alive and he is here!! At first thought to myself what if it was so kind of trick? But when Blair woke up from my shouting I asked her if Fabian could do that and she said no. I can't believe Blake is alive I am so happy but a little down that I could touch him or even tell him that I am carrying his pup again, I hope we can talk soon I've missed him so much I can't wait to be in his arms again one way or another I will be in his arms again, Savannah hasn't stopped wagging her tail since we saw Blake.

The past few days have been very boring as since Fabian "punished" us then locked us in our rooms not letting us out but before he could lock up Blair I brought her to my room so she wouldn't be alone. The poor thing has been crying and shaking since he forced her and either one of us have seen or heard from the other girls I am worried for their safety as well as mine and my pups, just an hour after talking to Blake my door unlocks and one of the maids come in telling us that we are to attend lunch even tho we haven't eaten for 2 days. After freshening up we head down Blair is still shivering at my side as we walk into the dining room the other girls are already there and sitting in their chairs. Elise is the first to get up from her seat to greet us, the others come up next each one shown scars from their "punishment".

Elise - oh Blair your shivering.

Camille - what did he do to you?

Brooke - that fucking bastard

Elise has two black eyes and a busted lip, Lacey and Kelly have burned marks on their skin he must have used the sunlight to do that or something worse, I look to Camille who has the same but Brooke most have got a lot more. Fabian usually has a spell to keep the vampires safe from the sun but by the looks of it he has reversed the spell. Fabian soon comes into the room causing us to get onto our chairs not to anger him further he takes his place looking around at us but before any food or blood is served.

Fabian - I trust you have all learned your lesson, now I don't like raising my hands to any of you but sometimes a man must do what.....

Brooke can't take this as she stands up from her chair then without saying a word leaves the room there is a silence Blair is beside me and under the table, I can see her hands shake trembling so I gently take her hand in mine as the food and blood are getting placed on the table and she squeezes my hand. No one has much of an appetite but the vampires need the blood to heal their burns that's if they can be healed, I know Brooke will need some blood so when Fabian isn't looking I take a blood bag from the table and stick it down my top into my bra it's cold but I can handle it I will give it to her later I just hope she will take it. No one speaks for the whole lunch Blair hasn't touched anything not to say I blame her but she has got to eat something, I didn't expect her to rush out of the room but that's what happened.

After lunch, I head up to my room to see if Blair is there fortunately she is, the others are with me apart from Camille who has gone to get Brooke to bring her to my room. Once they both arrive I hand Brooke the blood bag she is hesitant to take it but I remind her that she will need her strength to heal so she takes it and drinks from the bag. But before anyone could say anything she leaves the room again the other girls look nervously at each other.

Elsie - will she be ok?

Lacey - who knows.

Kelly - she is taking Candace's death really hard.

Camille - I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

Brooke p.o.v

I won't let that bastard get away with all he's done to us from taking us away from our homes to killing my sister to forcing himself on poor Blair, Candace may have been a bitch and a slut but she was still my sister and I loved her Fabian put spells on us so that we would fall in love with him but for Candace she became obsessed with him while he was the same she became his favourite of the mistresses but when Scarlett was brought here that all changed, all Fabian wanted was her he only used the rest of us to make her jealous since none of his spells seemed to work on her which none of us could understand.

I knew he forced himself on Blair even before she said anything as her room is next to mine so I heard everything her screams begging him to stop, to him cursing at her I am not letting him get away with this anymore after I leave Scarlett's room I go to mine and drink the blood she gave me it was nice she cared the way she does I will not let Fabian ruin her the way he has us, his punishment for me was to be burned by the sun usually he has a spell of the vampires so we can enjoy the sun without getting killed by it but he took mine off leaving me with burns all the way down my back. It's now time for payback so wearing my sexiest lingerie I head to the " playroom" I will kill the fucker or die trying.

(A/N sorry for this chapter being so boring and short but I've not been too well nowadays my mental health is getting bad so I will be putting this book on hold for a week or two so I can heal till next time)

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