Chapter 17

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Blake p.o.v

For two days we have followed AJ along the river, there has been a lot of tension mainly between Amelia and Dante as she blames him for ruining her chances with her mate while he says she is too much of a slut and couldn't keep her legs closed for anyone when they are both to blame but my mind has been on the feeling of pain Titan felt. This morning we have stopped Morgan uses her magic only to find that we have found the barrier but unfortunately, she can not open it with her magic or together with her brothers, we have had to camp nearby and camouflage it.

There is a plan in motion to see if there is a way around or underneath the barrier Sebastian, Dante and AJ are searching for it, Amelia is trying to get AJ to give her a chance but he isn't budging on the matter can't say I blame him tho. Ryan, the vampires are hunting for meat and blood while Morgan, Blaze and Axel are trying to see if there is a way to contact Scarlett. Which I hope we can do I miss her voice so much come to think of it she must think that I am dead, fuck. Later on in the afternoon, I go to the tribrids while the others make food for us, I step into their tent and their bow their heads to me before telling me that they have found a spell that should work but unfortunately, they will need a drop of my blood to make it work.

I am given a bowl and make a small cut making sure it's not too deep within seconds my blood pours into the bowl then I lick the wound so it heals, the tribrids chants something 3 times before my blood starts to glow brightly.

Morgan - you will have to drink your blood now but only have 5 minutes so be quick, so quickly now before it stops glowing.

I pick up the bowl but before bring it to my lips I ask.

Blake - will I be able to touch her?

And blaze answers me.

Blaze - no sorry alpha, you will only be able to talk to her.

Blake - I guess I can live with that for now but what will happen to my body?

Axel - you will fall to sleep and wake up in about an hour.

Morgan - quickly now before it stops glowing.

I send a quick mind link to Ryan asking him to come here to watch over me while I am out its not like I don't trust Morgan and her brothers as they have proven to be trustworthy, I just don't trust Amelia alone with my body. I bring the bowl to my lips and drive my blood I don't know how vampires can drive this stuff as I start to feel dizzy Ryan comes in as my eyes close. I feel like I am speeding through light it only lasts a few seconds before there is a big flash and I am in a room. Looking at my hands I can see that I am see though not bad, I there look around it's a big room then I see mate, my Scarlett. She is lying on the bed with some young woman on her lap I slowly walk over to them as they are both sleeping.

I hate to wake her cuz she looks so beautiful as much as I want to stay I don't have much time, I gently put my hand onto her shoulder giving her a gentle shake causing her to let out a little moan then slowly open her eyes looking up to me.

Scarlett - Blake?....Blake!!!

Blake - shhhh

She gentle moves the girls head off her lap then stands up and goes to reach for me but her hand goes through my cheek, I tear runs down her cheek.

Scarlett - your dead and your spirit has come to me?

I shake my head no to her I had a feeling that this would happen as she looks down

Blake - no my love I am alive in fact I am outside the barrier.

She looks back up to me her eyes full of tears dam it I want to take her in my arms so bad but unfortunately, I can feel the spell getting weaker I have to tell her now.

Scarlett - but I don't understand how can you be alive I saw the dagger...

Blake - baby listen the dagger only hit my shoulder I am alive, once we get this barrier down I will take that Fabian fuckers head and hold you in my arms again I swear this to you, my queen.

Scarlett - so you really are here oh my God but who's we?

Blake - me, Ryan, the Tribrids and a few others are here to save you.

Scarlett - oh Blake I miss you so much.

Blake - I miss you too my queen but I don't have much time left the spell is weakening it only gave me 5 minutes with you. I just want you to know that I love you so much and don't worry about the pack Leo and Talia are looking after them.

Her eyebrow raised.

Scarlett - Leo? Talia?  I hope you have someone who is keeping an eye on them both?

I chuckle.

Blake - of course, Connor is.

She smiles, God I have missed that smile then she looks down with a bit of sadness and with worry but what is she worried about?

Blake - baby what is wrong? Has he hurt you? Did he...force himself on you?

Scarlett - seriously Blake? No, he hasn't forced himself on me if he did do you think he would still be breathing?

That's my girl.

Blake - so what's wrong? Why do you look so sad?

Scarlett - I...

I feel myself fading away fuck not now just a few more minutes.

Scarlett - Blake what's happening to you? Your fading.

Blake - the spell is getting weaker, I have to go now but I will try and contact with you again soon.

Scarlett - no please don't go...

Blake - I love you Scarlett please know I am near.

Scarlett - Blake please I need to tell you something...I am...

It completely goes black before she could finish dam it, I wake up with a concerned looking Ryan standing over me.

Ryan - Blake? Your awake what happened?

I slowly sit up from the bed I am lying on I take a deep breath then I tell Ryan what I am been doing.

Ryan - no way is she ok?

Blake - yeah even though she did try to tell me something before I faded out.

What he says next causes me to look at him in wonder.

Ryan - then it's a good thing we might have found a way in.

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