43 | You Are My Happiness

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a/n: pretty banners are back ;)

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a/n: pretty banners are back ;)


My phone beeped for ages, and I thought Teagan or Edvany were spamming me with texts, but when I glanced down at my phone, I saw that it was Nicandro.

Nicandro: Hey, yes, before you ask, I stole your number from Edvany.

Nicandro: Hope you don't mind :) it's too late anyway.

Nicandro: So, we have a predicament.

Nicandro: River wants you and Zion to stop being little bitches-

Nicandro: His words, not mine!

Nicandro: -And speak to each other

Nicandro: So, we're outside in River's car.

Nicandro: Get in, loser, we're going to Zion's house <3

I didn't know how I managed to get ready in under five minutes, but I was already in comfortable clothes, and all I had to do was brush my teeth and fix up my hair.

By the time I was outside, River's car was where it last parked when he dropped off Zion after Xyla went missing from the hospital.

My heart ached for Zion that every time something made me think about him, I'd hold onto the bracelets he got me. I never once took them off.

I wasn't sure how he thought I was with Alec the other day when my wrists were decorated in his gifts.

While Alec was only apologising for being overbearing and taking something out of my hair, it did seem a little intimate.

Zion punching him caught me a little off guard, but I knew it wasn't his fault for getting mad about it. I'd be mad, too. But all my anger was directed at Zandra and her alone. Anyone else was just a pawn in her game.

He still loved me. Even after I broke his heart, three times in three weeks. We'd been broken up for longer than we've officially been together.

I hadn't seen Zion since the beginning of the week, and the thought of seeing him again and getting him back excited me.

But I was afraid that I ruined my chances by hurting him.

It was worth a try. He was worth it, always.

River began to drive once I'd buckle my seatbelt. His car smelt like leather and cologne. It reminded me of Zion's car.

"Here," Nicandro turned around from the passenger's seat to hand me two papers.

"What is it?" I took them from him and eyed them curiously.

"Don't know," He muttered, turning away to look out the windshield. "But they're addressed to you."

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