00 | Breaking and Entering

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A/N: Only the prologue will be written in third-person (he, she, they), but all the other chapters will be written in first (I, me, we).


"So, are we still doing this?" Nicandro whispered to River and Zion, a mischievous glint sparked within his crystal blue eyes. Gabriel wondered in the distance, scanning the surrounding building.

River rolled his dark eyes in annoyance toward his best friend, and all Zion did was stand there, glancing at the mansion that stood before them. 

Zion's hickory eyes scanned his surroundings while his mind churned secretly as River and Nicandro argued behind him. 

Gabriel remained standing in the distance, his eyes roaming the gates of the mansion.

The guys planned to accomplish something that might take a completely wrong turn, but they were willing to risk it. 

It made them the reckless teenagers that they were. On this night, they prepared to rob a classmates home. 

His name was Rob Frankston and his parents weren't home since they travelled on a 'business trip.'

The reasoning behind it was stupid and wild, yet, it was just how Nicandro intended it to be. 

His friends followed alongside him in whatever he was planning to do after Rob had stolen his girlfriend a few days before.

Although, Zion had an entirely different reasoning behind this, a deeper purpose.

"We either hit the show on the road, or we don't do it at all," Nicandro shrugged, eager to get the job over and done with.

River's eyes examined the way Zion remained quiet the entire night, his brows drawing together, scrutinising every move Zion made. River inhaled a deep breath and walked to the direction of Nicandro, where he stood in front of the back gates leading to the Frankston residence.

"We have no other time to do this before his parents get back because you two are just as boring as each other and do not have a life, whereas I do, and I will be preoccupied with my own things." Nicandro continued to rant until River raised his palm to the talking mess' face to stop him from proceeding.

"You have me, though." Gabriel perked his head to the arguing trio.

Nicandro only stared back at Gabriel with narrowed eyes and Gabriel chuckled at his anger.

"Nico," River's deep voice snapped at Nicandro. "We've decided to not do this tonight." His voice was dangerously low now, careful to not be too loud.

"We? Who? You two?" Nico stuttered in disbelief. "I haven't heard a word come out of his mouth all night! And now you wanna tell me that you two have decided to not this now!? What the fuck happened to our plan?"

River shoved his palm against Nicandro's mouth to stop him from talking, then all that came from his mouth was a muffled groan.

"You're acting like a child," River spoke through his teeth, trying to remain calm and patient. "Go wait in the car,"

Nico rolled his eyes and suspiciously darted them to River's brooding brown ones. 

When River felt a wet substance on his palm, he pulled it back and grimaced at the spot Nicandro had licked. 

Gabriel snickered but shut his mouth just as quickly, knowing River would knock him out if he continued to laugh.

Before River could do anything, Nicandro ran to the car, calling shotgun, Gabriel trailing behind him.

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