27 | Soul Tie

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Nicandro didn't seem to hear a thing, but Gabriel's hold on the blanket loosened. It almost slipped out of his hands, along with the keys in the other, and he stumbled in his spot trying to regain balance of both.

"What?" He whisper-shouted, looking puzzled.

Everyone glanced at Nicandro as River's mother reached Nia out to him.

Then he stopped and took a step back.

"Wait. Did you say River's child!?" He darted his eyes to River, who nodded once, hesitantly. He was scared of Nico's reaction. "How?"

"Nico," Edvany replied gently. "When a woman and man, you know, have sex-"

Teagan laughed, and the sound of it made River look visibly calm.

"Do you want to hold her, Ro?" River's mother still held the child out to Nicandro, whose stare turned back to Nia.

"She's a baby," He stated.

"Yes, four months old," She said, grabbing Nico's arm to pull him forward. She settled Nia into Nico's arms.

Nicandro stood extremely still, not daring to make a sudden move.

"I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared," He mumbled over and over again, glancing down at the infant with soft eyes.

"You've got her," River's mother reassured him gently.

Nicandro held Nia with one arm and used his other hand to pull the blanket down, away from her face. His face faltered as he gulped nervously.

"River has a child," He murmured to himself, cradling Nia closer to his chest. "River has a daughter."

"I'm-" Gabriel stopped himself with a small chuckle. "Sorry, I'm a little slow." He tucked the blanket under his arms and walked closer to us. "Uh, hi, everyone, but what the fuc-fudge?"

It was then I realised that Zion had been silent the whole time. I glanced up at him and watched as he looked at River. I couldn't tell what he was feeling, but from the way River avoided his gaze, I guessed he was hurt. Or at least confused on why River never told them anything.

"In case that wasn't clear, I think I need an explanation on where this child came from," Gabriel lowered his voice, flickering his eyes at Nia.

Nicandro didn't even look up to acknowledge anyone else. He just stared. "This was a mistake because now I'm not going to share her."

Edvany and Teagan approached them and began cooing Nia. Teagan looked more at ease with the situation, and I assumed River had introduced her to his child a while before.

"Jennifer," River managed to utter the child's mother's name. "A month after the breakup, she told me she was pregnant." His dark eyes didn't look at anyone besides Nia as Nicandro began to rock her gently.

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