Chapter 19: Do you want to talk about it?

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Shino Pov:

After the talking with a group of friends I started to have a weird feeling like I needed to go to Artemis house and check on him.

I was about to get up when kol grab me my the arm and pull me back down

Kol- Where do you think your going?

Shino- To Artemis house why?

Kol- Why do you want to go to his house now the fun just started after all Flex is going to be making smoothly soon and you know how funny he is with the blender.

Shino- I know but at the same time I feel like something wrong

Kol- I am sure your just over thinking it

Shino- You may think that now but I have the feeling that I still want to check

Kol- Come on just as chill out for a little bit and I bet everything is fine

If only I knew what was going on

Artemis pov:

I woke up from that horrible dream and I decided that I just had enough of these nightmares and everything like come on I was one of the top heroes but since that incident happen things just kept getting much worse and worse for me.

I had enough but of course after that nightmare I couldn't think straight at the moment like something was controlling me to do something that I was going to regret.

One minute I was in my room just woken up from a nightmare. The next minute I was outside on the tip of the bridge thinking about all of my life troubles until I felt someone grab me and pull me close to them. I thought it was my ex so I started to cry and struggling out of there grip but they just hold me close to them

Shino- Artemis don't worry its me I'm not going to hurt you ok?

Artemis- *nods*

Shino- Just pls don't tell me you were going to jump off because it look like you were

Artemis- No I wasn't I was just thinking that all but why are you hear?

Shino- Why don't we just get back inside ok?

Artemis- That didn't answer my question?

Shino- *sigh* I had a bad feeling so I went to look for you and found you to close to the edge. Now I didn't know you were thinking but it look like you were trying to decide weather or not to jump off and end it all

Artemis- I would never but things have been getting hard for me

Shino- Do you want to talk about it?

Artemis- *nods* I do but not here

After that I took shino back at my place where we sit on my bed and explain the night it all happen.

I am so sorry for how long it took to post this my best friend just past away today and I hadn't been taking it very well.

He was the best cat I would have ever had and now he gone and it just break my heart.

(I might post pictures of what he looks like when I feel confident to look at them again because when I just look at them now I can't help but cry)

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