Chapter 35: This Ends Now (Final)

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I am going to post this early so enjoy the final chapter everyone

No One Pov:

After Shino got the help he needed Artemis started heading straight to the place with Shino by his side to make sure he was safe.

When the got to the place the guards show them where Andrew would be before shutting and locking the doors behind them

Artemis- Shino I'm scared

Shino- Don't worry Artemis I will be by your side ok

Artemis- Ok

When they got to the main room though something didn't feel right as Shino and Artemis had a bad feeling

Andrew- Well well well look who decided to show up. Its been a while Artemis but don't think I will forgive you for leaving me so soon after I just got you back

Shino- Dude back off Artemis is a person not a toy for you to go around and place with

Andrew- You should shut up if you know what good for you

Shino- What do you mean by that?

With that though an electric shock went threw Shino honey before he fell on the ground

Artemis- Oh my god Shino are you ok

Shino- Ow what was that?

Andrew- *Laughs* You really think I would let you walk in here without having some traps around. You should of seen your face

Shino- Why you-

Andrew- Enough talking though unless you want me to increase the shocking Experience

Artemis- Why are you even doing this to me? You don't even love me anymore

Andrew- Well that Simple you my lovely boyfriend is nice my toy until I find a new lover.

Artemis- Your sick

Andrew- Maybe I am but you use to love me

Artemis- I had enough of this

Andrew- So am I no more running now guards take them away to the prison cells

*no one responds*

Andrew- Guards

Shino- Heh you really think we won't walk in here without a plan your guards have been taken care off

Andrew- What!? Why you little-

With that Andrew blast Shino with a fire ball knocking him into the wall behind him

Artemis- Shino

That is when Andrew grab Artemis arm before trying to drag him away

Andrew- When you want something done right you do it yourself

Artemis- Ya your right

Andrew- I'm done running and hiding from the past and I am done running from you

With that Artemis slam his head into Andrew face making him drop him.

Andrew- Ow that hurt a lot

Before Andrew can even Process what was going on he was push to the ground with Artemis on top of him and if looks can kill Andrew would be long dead by now

Artemis- You took everything from me now its my turn to take everything from you

Before Artemis can even hurt Andrew anymore he was pull off of him while police appear and took Andrew away

Artemis- No let me go he needs to die for all the pain he did to me he needs to die

Kol- I know how that feels but right now Shino needs you he being rush to the hospital

Artemis- What!?

Kol- Here let me take you to him ok

Artemis- Ok

*Few hours later*

When Artemis got to the hospital he learn that Shino have broken ribs but other than that he was going to be ok

When he got to the room he ran to Shino giving him a huge kiss before apologize about what had happen

Shino- Hey its ok what matters now is your ok and we WILK get threw this together

Artemis- Ya your right

Shino- Good by now I want to ask you something that I been wanting to ask for a long time

Artemis- What is it?

Shino- Will you be my boyfriend

Artemis- Yes I would love to be your boyfriend

With that the story ends with Shino getting out of the hospital and both Shino as well as Artemis living on there live together and when they need help the other lover will be there with open arms.

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