The First Day of School

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~Chapter 13~

Violet's P.O.V

"Wake up!" Yelled my wolf inside my head.
You know, if I were to tell people there was a voice inside my head or a wolf, I'd be sentbstraight to a mental institution is California. I groaned and got up slowly. My head kinda hurt from Anna yelling. See, my wolf has an impact on me physically, and emotionally. I could already imagine,
"Why does you head hurt?" Asked some random normal person.
"Oh! Well you see the wolf inside of my head yelled at me to get up this morning, that's all. Don't worry about me!!"
Yeah. Not crazy at all.
I heard my wolf growl at me for my stupid thoughts. I smirked and finally got off my bed and stood up. I glanced at my still unbroken alarm clock that read 6:30am. School started at 8:15 here so I had enough time to shower, pick clothes, do my hair, and makeup. I went to my closet for the first time to actually pick clothes. I chose my white ripped skinny jeans, some undergarments, a pair of black fuzzy socks, a white spaghetti strap shirt, and then a black long sleeved off the shoulder shirt that was a bit see through, enough that you could see the white shirt underneath and some skin.

I nodded and went to my bathroom after switching my playlists from 'Lullaby' to 'Shower'. Yes, I had a shower playlist. I liked singing in the shower so why not? I once again left the door open a sliver to hear my music better. I went to my cupboard and grabbed two towels. The usual sizes, one big and a smaller one. I got into the shower after turning the showerhead on and making it as hot as I wanted it to be. I shampooed and conditioned my hair with my Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. I used my dove body with my purple loofa. I shaved and washed my face with my Clean and Clear face wash. After that I just stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the hot relaxing water and singing along to a few songs that played while I stood there. I jumped out as soon as the water went cold. Everyone in the house is probably having a shower tomorrow cause we have school. The school we were all going to had lots of werewolves. A few humans so we had to be careful not to expose ourselfs or do anything we'd regret.

As soon as I stepped out of the shower I wrapped myself in a black towel and wrapped my hair in a smaller blue one. I sat on the toilet lid and waited for my body and hair to dry off enough to take the towels off and the mirror to stop fogging up. When the mirror was clear and I was practically dry, I unwrapped myself and pulled my clothes on as quickly as I could. It was kinda chilly because I left my window open all night like I normally do. After I was dressed I went to stand in front of my mirror and pulled out a hair dryer from the drawer attached to the sink/counter. I pluged it into the wall plug in and started blow drying my hair while brushing it. After I was done I went through it with a brush again . I let it fall down straight and got out a clip with a black bow. I pulled my bangs back and pinned up my hair with the clip on the back of my head. It made my bangs bore notifiable and also made them look better. Plus, I had a cute medium bow that matched my outfit pinning it back. I then got out my make up bag. I did the smoky eye style. Liquid eyeliner with wings, regular eyeliner, mascara, grey, silver, and black eye-shadow around the edges. I nodded at my reflection approvingly. Before I left my bathroom I put on some deodorant and sprayed some of my vanilla body spray on myself and brushed and flossed my teeth. I then chucked my clothes in the hamper and turned the light out. I'd take the hamper down after school.

I looked at my clock in my room as I walked out to see it was now 7:30. Yes, it took me an hour to do all that. He, some people take hours. I grabbed my off the shoulder bag, headphones, and phone. I was just gonna leave my bag in my locker for the rest of the year probably. So I also brought my black guess purse. I made sure I had gum and other things I might need. I slipped on my black and gray high tops and turned everything off in my room. In went downstairs and put my stuff on the table. I quickly ate some poptarts, had a glass of orange juice and grabbed my stuff. It was 7:45 when I was done. After I had all my stuff I opened the front door, walked out and closed it. I looked at the driveway to see only my truck there. Everyone must have already left. I walked down to my Chevy and got in. I place my bag and purse in the passenger seat. I pulled out of the driveway with my radio blasting 'Hell and Back' by Kid Ink with the windows down. I smiled and sang/rapped the lyrics as I drove to school.

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