Meeting His Parents.

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~Chapter 16~

Donovan's P.O.V

Damn she is so beautiful. I am so lucky to have her as a mate. I smiled as I rubbed circles on the back of her hand while I drove. Her skin is so soft.. I couldn't wait to touch every inch of it. My mum is gonna be so proud of me when I bring her home. My dad will be proud even! Its hard to make my dad feel proud.. But I have a feeling that he will be. Violet is everything I could want as a Luna, mate, wife, and so much more. I already love her, there is no doubt about it. I meant what I said to her father. I already promised to myself, my wolf, and the Moon Goddess as soon as I laid eyes on her. I smiled as we pulled up to the pack house. I got the whole top floor to myself and my gorgeous Luna. I turned to Violet after parking beside the other cars.
"Are you ready?" I asked while looking into her eyes and smiling.

Violets P.O.V

"Are you ready?" He asked me while looking into my eyes with his gorgeous blue topaz ones that I love so much.

He was smiling at me and it calmed my nerves a bit. I was so nervous to met his parents! What if they don't like me? What if they tell me to leave? What if they think I'm not god enough? There was so many what its running through my mind that I didn't realize I was slowly getting out of my truck. Its like I had no control over my body. I gained power back when Donovan slipped his hand into mine. Everything was better with him, everything was real with him. My life had a new purpose now, and if I were to ever lose him I don't think I'd be able to handle it. I'd go mad. I can't see a life without him now.

I smiled and walked up the path with him to the front door. He squeezed my hand when we got up the steps and then suddenly the door swung open and a woman was standing there with a huge smile plastered on her face. Then, arms were around me and squeezing me tightly. This must have been his mother! I smiled big and hugged her back. But soon, I was gasping for air because she was hugging me so tightly.
"Mum you're killing her." Chuckled Donovan.
I blushed when she let go and took a full look at me.
"I'm sorry dear. I've just been so excited to meet you my name is Linda!!" She exclaimed while lookin at me happily.
"Its so nice to meet you. I can see where Donovan gets his sweetness from." I said sweetly while glancing at Donovan.
"His dad can be a sweetheart too. You just got to know him." She said with love in her eyes.
I smiled and nodded. She lead us inside to the kitchen where Donovans father was.

I see where Donovan gets his looks from. Not in a creepy way, but he had the same hair as Donovan but his swept over his eyes, he had tanned skin, well built. Donovan got his blue topaz eyes from his mum though.
"Hello, my name is Lucas. Obviously I'm Donovan's father. You must be the beautiful Violet?" Asked his father with a kind smile and kissing my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts.
So this is where Donovan also got his smooth tricks from? I smiled and was happy they liked me so far.
"Thank you, yes my name is Violet. Its so nice to finally meet you both." I said while smiling like a mad woman.
Donovan then came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck, giving me butterfly kisses. I blushed so much I felt my face, neck, and ears burning up. He really had an affect on me.
"Donovan! You're embarrassing the poor girl! Stop it." Said his mother, smiling.
She must be happy to see her son so happy.
Donovan pulled away from my neck but still held me by the waist, swaying slightly. He is so damn cute!
"Ughhh fine. But when we're alone she's all mine." He said.
I could hear the smirk in his voice. All his dad did to reply to his remark was wink at him. Wink at him! His parents are awesome. His mom just giggled and hit Lucas's arm playfully like I do to Donovan.
"Well, we're gonna go up to my room until you call us for lunch or whatever." Donovan was dragging me away before I could object.
But then again, I wanted to see what his room was like. Was he like every typical guy? Did he have girls in bikini's on his wall?
Once we got to the stairs he picked me up bridal style and I threw my head back lightly and laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I giggled the whole way up the stairs. You would think we're drunk because he kept tripping and we'd almost fall.

Finally we got up the stairs, laughing and out of breath. But then when we started walking towards the elevated to go up to his room we bumbed into a girl. She looked to be a year older than I was. Oh! Maybe this is his sister! They did look a lot alike..
"Oh! I'm so sorry! You must be my brothers mate?" She asked in a high voice. It wasn't even annoying, just cute. He voice deceived her looks. If I knew she wasn't older than me I'd think of her as a little sister. I told Donovan to put me down and he pouted that adorable pout but he did. I smiled at his sister and went to shake her hand.
"Yes, my name is Violet. What's yours?" I finished when she pulled me into a hug.
"My name is Bree. I've been waiting for this day! Now I can hang out with you all the time to bug Donovan and just get to know you." She said with a giggle.
I smirked and pulled away and winked at her.
"Sometime you can come over to mine and we'll get to know each other, yeah?" I said kindly.
She nodded and said she had to go. Me and Donovan got in the elevated and he pressed button 5 to go to his room. He was at the very top of the pack house. He had his own floor. On this floor he had a game room, a bathroom, a movie room, his bedroom, a kitchen, a spare room, and a living room. How cool was that!

We got up to his floor and Donovan picked me up once again we both laughed as he stumbled into his apartment I guess you could call it. He took me to the couch and sat down with my on his lap. He pulled me so close to him that my back was pressed against his back and his face was Nuzzled in my neck.
"You smell so good Violet.." His said in a whisper.
I gasped as he kissed my collarbone. I blushed and turned to him to peck his lips.
"Let's watch a movie? Please baby?" I asked while pouting my lip and giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
He smiled and nodded.
"His could I say no to that face princess?" He said sweetly.
I smiled as he got up and put Peter Pan in.
"I love this movie." I said childishly.
He chuckled at my behavior and sat down beside me then kissed my cheek.

Sometime during the movie we ended up laying on the couch spooning. I loved his smell. It was so intoxicating. It was like a blanket on me when we were this close. I smiled and started to feel sleepy.
"Let's go to Neverland and never come back till forever ends." I mumbled to him and drifted off to sleep with my Peter Pan.

*Authors Note.*

Sorry for the late and short update again guys! Was sitting with my brother cause he's sick :( I try my best to have a chapter up everyday for you guys! I will give you the best update soon. I pinky promise. How'd you's like this chapter though? Sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for the 5k!! So happy. You guys should really follow me, I promise to follow back!

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