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*The Enchanted Forest*

Hook wiped off the sand on his face while walking over to Cora, who stared at the pool of water. "We failed." Cora sighed, still looking at the water. "Really, Cora... After all this time, why do you still doubt me?" Hook asked, holding up the necklace with the dried-up bean. 

"But that bean is petrified. It's useless." 

"But these waters have regenerative properties... Perhaps it's time to do some gardening." Hook smirked when Cora looked at him.

*Storybrooke, Maine*

"I was right. You really have changed." Henry said, walking over to Regina, who joined the Charmings, Emma, Ruby, Gold, and the dwarves to Gold's shop. Henry hugged Regina, who smiled, looking at Dream and watching the two. "Thank you." He said, looking up at her. Regina smiled, hugging Henry, before grabbing Dream and pulling her into the hug.

"Emma." Mary Margaret smiled while hugging David.

"Well, it looks like we have some catching up to do." David smiled, sitting up as he hugged his wife and looked at his daughter. "You have no idea." Emma sighed while holding her mom's hand.

"How about dinner at Granny's? On me." Ruby suggested when the group nodded.

"As long as it's not Chimera, I'm in." Dream spoke up, making the group chuckle at her. "I'll second that," Emma said, agreeing with Dream.

The group chuckled at the girls when Henry kept hugging Regina. "Hey, kid, you hungry?" Emma asked when Henry let go of Regina. "Yeah..." He smiled, looking at his sister and mom, before walking over to Emma. "I'll see you later," Henry said when the group walked over, leaving Regina and Dream.

"You coming, Dream?" David asked, looking back at Dream, when Dream turned to look at Regina, who nodded, giving her a small smile.

Dream walked out, following the others, when Regina sighed to herself when Gold walked in. "Congratulations... You just reunited mother and son. Maybe one day they'll even invite you for dinner." Gold said while Regina looked at him, holding back tears.

While the group was heading to Granny's, there was a big ship appeared in the distance. Hook and Cora stood together while Cora used her magic to make the ship steer itself. "There it is." Hook said, closing his telescope.

"Storybrooke," Cora smirked when she saw the town coming closer.

~season 2, episode 9: "Queen of Hearts"~

~384 words~

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