Page 20: Deals, Revenge, and Destiny:

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After several years, Rumpelstiltskin, now known as the Dark One, sat in the same tavern where he came to look for his wife. Now, the only difference was that he didn't have his wife or son anymore, and he was more than the village coward. He was feared by all now.

A man walked over, sitting across from him. The man looked at him in shock as the Dark One held onto a charm in his hand. A bracelet that was made while he was the man he used to be. The bracelet was made from straw and rope with a small charm around it. He made the charm of a golden heart after turning to dark magic. The bracelet was made by both men he was/am. It was a symbol, a reminder, of what he went through to get him to the man he is now.

"It really is you. The Dark One in the flesh... Or whatever that is." The man, who walked over to the Dark One, said while Rumple continued to look at the bracelet. 

"You've gone to a lot of trouble to meet me. You better hope I agree it's worth my time." Rumple said, looking up at the man who had a bright red beanie on his head. "I've heard you've been looking for something, and as luck would have it, I'm a man who trades in hard-to-find objects." The man with the beanie said before glancing up to see the waitress bringing a drink over to the table. "Like a bean." The man whispered, interesting in the Dark One. "A magic bean that can transport you between worlds." The man said while Rumple looked up from the bracelet, leaning in to look at the man.

"I've been told they no longer exist in this land," Rumple spoke up. His voice was different, more high-pitched than before.

"Not in this land, no... But the ships that dock here often return from far-off lands with the treasure they don't always understand." The man explained while Rumple was skeptical of the man. "And yet you do?" He mocked the man. "It's my job. As is knowing the rumors of who might pay the highest price for said treasures." The man continued to say, smiling brightly.

"And what rumors could they be?"

"That you were once a great coward, but that you became the Dark One to overcome that and protect a son who you lost despite all--" The man was cut off by Rumple raising his hand to choke the man with his magic, like force choking in Star Wars. "It's not nice to spread rumors. The bean. Where is it?" Rumple asked the man struggling to breathe if his face was going as red as his hat. 

"I don't have it." He struggled to say. "But I can get it, I swear!" He said strain in his voice before Rumple let him go. The man started to gasp and cough once he could breathe again before looking up at the Dark One. "You haven't heard my price." The man said, making Rumple scoff at his comment.

"I spin straw into gold. Price shouldn't be a problem." Rumple said when the man smiled, not exactly wanting gold as payment. 

"I don't want money. I want eternal life." The man said, making Rumple chuckle at him. "Only the Dark One has life eternal. Tell you what, my son, what I can do... What about youth? Spin the clock back until you're a little boy again." Rumple suggested when the man hesitated, unsure if it was a good enough deal. 

"Close enough. Deal." He said, taking the deal anyway.

"But remember, you fail to deliver... I spin the clock forward and turn you into dust." Rumple threatened when the man nodded nervously. "Thank you... Thank you." He said, walking away from the Dark One.

"You sure you don't want anything?" The waitress asked, coming back to the table.

"Where's my scurvy crew?"

Rumple heard a familiar voice before seeing Captain Killian Jones walk into the tavern, over to his table, where it all began. "Ah, here we are, Captain!" One of the crewmates cheered as their captain walked over to the table. "Where's my beer?" The captain asked, sitting at the table.

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