Chapter 46

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I know! I know I'm the worst sort of person to go MIA once again. But I swear this would be the last time. I've just been busy sorting out my life and solving some puzzles that make up my life. I'm deeply sorry for leaving you all hanging like that. I understand if you've somehow forgotten the whole story altogether because of how long it's been since it was last updated. So I've put on a small recap of what went on P&P in the last chapter.

Oh, and before I forget, I'd like to thank my dear friend (well more like an annoying  human)  @Aarya2103 for this beautiful cover and many more that I'll be flaunting over the coming days. 

Here you go!

Recall (Chap 45):

The elevator stopped at my floor and we stepped out, only to be welcomed by a delicious smell of freshly baked cake and cookies. I shared a confused frown with Adrian as I punched in my passcode. The door to our living room opened to reveal soft lights glowing all around and a stronger aroma waiting to attack my senses again.

Stepping inside, I could hear a soft voice humming a song and soon enough, footsteps came closer, revealing my sister in a colorfully stained apron holding a big tray of chocolate chip cookies in her hand. She stopped as she saw us.

"Oh, you're home!" She exclaimed. Then her gaze fell to the human beside me and her smile widened. "Oh, Ruby! You're here as well!"

I watched warily as she carefully put the tray on the coffee table and walked towards us- or rather, towards Adrian- and hugged him. Ignoring the smirk sent my way by the devil, I let my eyes wander around the living room noting the clean state and little decorations.

It was then that I put two and two together. While my sister had the ability of making a good friendship with the kitchen as opposed to me, it wasn't everyday you'd find her cooking something. She somehow had a strong belief that a professional like her has no need to 'practice' her skills. So to find Eva willingly in the kitchen, baking my favorite chocolate chip cookies and decorating the room with little white roses- also my favorite- would only mean one thing.

My little sister was up to something.

Chapter 46

Eva was up to something. I had my doubts but it wasn't confirmed until she made us wait in the living room while she went inside the kitchen once again to retrieve another tray. It was filled with blueberry muffins. I quickly assessed her gait as she walked around and breathed in relief when I didn't observe any signs of discomfort in her. She seemed to be recovering pretty well and although she wasn't allowed to run around for long and overexert her legs, the fact that she no longer had to depend on the crutches was a blessing.

"Is there some special occasion tonight that I wasn't aware of?" I inquired as she served her cookies to the both of us after we settled on the couch. I had to hold back a moan and a pout because my little sister had the hands of a professional baker- something I couldn't understand considering she was my sister.

"Oh. Of-of course not! I just wanted to... do something for you. And try baking again, y'know? It's been years since I last baked and I was feeling rather bored once Allie left a couple of hours ago. She has her date with Jake tonight so yeah... I decided to bake you your favorites. I know how much you like these." She shrugged nonchalantly as she seated herself on the adjacent couch. However, her nervous laugh and weird twisting of her fingers didn't escape my notice.

"I see."

"Mhmm. Damn, Bubbles, you're a pro at baking! Is there anything you can't do? I think you might just be my most favorite person in the whole world." Adrian moaned beside me.

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