Chapter 50

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"Are you really going? I still say that you can call them here instead." Adrian spoke once his car pulled up at back entrance of the airport.

I rolled my eyes for the hundred and thirty first time since this morning and shot him an exasperated look. He returned it with an innocent smile.

"As much as I appreciate your... rather valuable suggestion, dearest boyfriend o'mine, this is the French government we are talking about. I'd say they might have a slight problem with the arrangements considering it's me who's about to open my branch company in their lands."

He shrugged as if my point was extremely insignificant. "I don't see why that would be a problem. The French government should be honored that Eva's has chosen their country to open a branch office. Just think of all the benefits they could be getting- employment for their people, more publicity for their country, utilization of their resources, their economy- shall I go on?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes again- for the hundred and thirty second time.

"Adrian, I can't just bring the entire government here! I'm not the president!" I threw up my hands in frustration with this impossibly difficult man I had come to love more than my blueberry muffins.

He opened his mouth once again to retort but I shut him up with the method that had proven to be very effective lately. I leaned over and kissed him like my life depended on it- maybe it did, I was about to go without him for two whole weeks, after all. I had grown so accustomed to his presence hovering around me that I didn't know how I would survive without even so much as the sight of his smirk. Then there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, urging me to do something- what, I had no idea. I ignored that feeling for the time being and invested myself fully into the taste of his lips, knowing that it was going to be a long, long fortnight before I would experience this again.

Adrian was, apparently on the same page with me, for he wound his arms around my waist almost immediately and pulled me close to him. One of his hands crawled upwards to cradle my face while the other held me in position, all the while never once breaking his lips away from mine.

It was then that my subconscious decided to knock hard on my fogged brain, reminding me that we were in public, doing something not so appropriate to be displayed publicly. I let out a disappointed sigh that almost sounded like a whine the moment his lips left mine. I looked around to see a few paps trying to get close to the car and Ed, my security guy and his team holding them off.

Thankfully, Adrian had decided to drop me in his car which had tainted windows, meaning none saw what we had been engaged in just a few moments from now. He had made sure to use a different car than the usual he drove and had come in a full disguise so that the paps wouldn't suspect that it was him. The man had just taken care of everything, without asking and just knowing that I'd be uncomfortable being spotted together with him dropping me off. He just kept doing these small, thoughtful things making me fall deeper than I already was.

Looking further around, I saw another car being pulled up beside us and saw Leah climb out with her suitcase. I'd originally planned to pick her up along the way but the devil had been adamant that he get me all to himself when he wouldn't see me for two weeks. I didn't put up much fight in the matter because his words mirrored my feelings perfectly. That left Leah being picked up by Henry, Adrian's driver, along with my things.

Knowing that it was time to go, I turned to the human form of perfection in the driver's seat and brought lips against his for a short but intense kiss. "I'm gonna miss you, my smirking devil."

Instead of replying with similar sentiments, the cocky idiot just smirked at me and said, "I know."

Huffing, I turned around and made a move to open the passenger door, only to have him turn me back around and pull me in for a deeper and not-so-innocent kiss. "Your smirking devil is gonna miss you more, love. I love you."

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