Chapter 29

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Is there a cure for procrastination? If yes, I really need one ASAP. I'd been trying to update this one for too long but yeah, my procrastination disorder came in the way. So finally, here it is.

Before I start though, I don't know if you guys noticed it. I've got a new cover! Yay! The credit for my previous cute cover goes to this awesome person lizzyJ_!!! She's an amazing author! I love you, girl😘😘

Aaanddd I've got a new cover again! In fact, I've got lots of them so I'm gonna flaunt them proudly. A huge shoutout to the extremely talented IceBlueShadows! Thank you so much for those amazing covers!🥰😘

P.S. Eeeekkk! I'm soooo close to 1k votes! I really hope that I hit the 1k club by the time I post the next chapter. *fingers crossed*

Alright, that's enough of my rambling.  Ignore me but don't ignore the chapter! XD

I moved my hand around, hoping to feel my warm mattress but all I felt was... air?

I suddenly remembered a weird horror movie that Allie had made me watch during one of her crush seasons in which the protagonist goes to sleep on her bed but wakes up stranded in air between her bed and the ceiling. That sudden thought made me wake up from my slumber resembling an epileptic owl. Yeah, wide eyes, jerky body and all.

Once I was fully past the epileptic owl phase and finally transforming into the same old Evelyn White, I looked around my surrounding and found out that I was still in my office. I realised that I'd been sleeping on the couch inside my office.

Apparently, apart from epileptic owl syndrome, I also had a sleep induced amnesia because I couldn't remember sleeping on this couch. Hell, I couldn't even remember sleeping at all. I rubbed my temple as I tried to perform an experiment on my memory skills.

The last thing my brain remembered was that, I had been manually checking and entering the data as there was a suspicious server crash in my company office. And Adrian had been helping with that.

Speaking of the devil, I suddenly felt a foreign object lying on my body. And by object, I mean a black suit jacket that smelled like the said devil. Not that I'd ever sniffed him. No way. Although, I did take a little inhale now. Not an inhale of that smell. I was talking about air. It's good to do some deep breathing sometimes. Makes your lungs healthy.

Shaking my head at my ridiculous thoughts, I looked at my wristwatch and saw that it was already past eleven at night. I made a move to remove the jacket but a sudden chill made me reconsider my decision and I wrapped it tighter to my body.

The office was dead silent and the previous bright lights were replaced by a dim table lamp on my desk. I slowly walked up to the light source to find Adrian still sitting on the same position like he'd been before I fell asleep.

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