1 | Safe

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~ I could keep you safe, they're all afraid of me ~

She groaned and dragged a heavy hand down her face as she woke from a deep sleep. Her body ached as if she had been hit by a truck. And her leg- gosh, her leg was throbbing. She stretched her sore limbs, struggling to remember where she was.

All at once, the events of today came rushing back to her and she sat up with a jolt. It was pitch black, but white hair and lavender eyes seemed to glow in the dark. She wasn't sure if it were to her dismay or delight, but there he was. Mister.... Alien dude, sitting across from her in the room he was currently keeping her captive in. God only knew how far away she was from her space pod now.

As her eyes started to adjust to the dark, she noticed the room was made of stone and wood, as if it were made way back in the day. The more she looked around the room, the more it reminded her of a castle. Or maybe it was a castle?

He glanced at her with tired eyes. That is, until he noticed she was awake. His face lightened in.... Surprise? Excitement? She wasn't sure. It was too subtle of a reaction to tell.

He stood, but before he could touch her again, she scooted backwards, knees to her chest to protect herself. She watched him with wide, fearful eyes, as the lavender glow of the moonlight that peaked through the window glistened on his scales.

He irritably narrowed his eyes, but still, he hunched his broad shoulders to show he meant no harm.... Difficult to pull that off when you're a giant alien man, with fangs and claws, and arms as thick as her waist that could snap her neck with a flick of his wrist.

Backed up against a wall with no where to go, she shook violently as he drew near. She nearly panicked when he brought his arm up- only for his massive hand to gently hook around a strand of hair that fell in front of her face.

He mumbled in a growl something lowly to himself, in a tongue she couldn't understand. His finger went from her hair to under her eye. He wiped a tear and examined the water droplet thoroughly.

The water seeping from her eyes confused him greatly. Why was water seeping from her eyes? Were they infected? She didn't seem to be in any pain, and she didn't want his help, so maybe water coming out of a human's eyes was normal? A defense mechanism? A self washing technique perhaps? Though he didn't know eyeballs had to be washed.

Though her gaze was glued to the floor, he could sense her fear and frustration all over her. It hurt him- irritated him even. If she signed up for this, why was she scared of him? He wished they could understand each other... He was frustrated, though not at her.

She flinched when he stormed away from her suddenly to retrieve something from the other side of the room and she feared she pissed him off somehow. She began to hyperventilate and clambered away from him as he drew near to her once again. She screwed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms around her body to protect her self, but he didn't touch her.

Slowly, she opened her eyes to find him.... Reading a book? He could read?

His lavender eyes hastily scanned over the pages, searching for God knows what. His eyes flickered up to meet hers for a moment, before they went back to the book. "Sa-ef... safe." His deep voice croaked in the best English he could muster.

Her eyes widened in recognition. A translation dictionary. If someone made a book translating their language to English, that means she wasn't the first human here. That, or he somehow knew she was coming. While that terrified her, it also gave her hope. Right now, she was just relieved they could communicate.

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