14 | Gun

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For some reason, Wattpad is being dumb and many weren't notified that chapter 13 was posted! Please go back one chapter and make sure you read it before proceeding!! Thank you 🩷

Also, I am soooo sorry for the delay. My life has been crazy recently. I won't go into many details, but prayers are appreciated. This chapter isn't exactly how I wanted it to turn out but I didn't wanna leave y'all hanging anymore. Thank you for being so patient with me and my updates. Love and appreciate you all!


Posie had no clue what Ziba had said to Kyros, but it was clear by the fear in his expression that it was nothing good.

"What is going on!?" She asked for the umpteenth time, grabbing Kyros's arms to stop him in his tracks.

Not even glancing in her direction, his mind too occupied by the matter at hand, he told her, "will explain later. For now, we need to get you somewhere safe."

Then he was walking again, a hand on the small of her back to guide her in the right direction.

She struggled to keep up with his long strides and bugged Ziba this time. "What's happening?"

"Later." He mimicked the word Kyros has used.

Later came and went.

It has been an hour at least since she was told, "later," and she still hadn't been updated on what was happening. Ziba and Kyros had dropped her off in the bedroom so they could deal with the trespasser downstairs. While she couldn't make out too much, they were clearly interrogating someone for a long time until it suddenly grew quiet- very quiet for quite some time.

She stood from the bed she was patiently waiting on and tiptoes to the door, pressing her ear against it. She startled when someone cried out- in English! It was so fast and sporadic, she could hardly make our his terrified pleas.

"Tell me why you're here." Kyros demanded in his tongue.

"Please, I don't understand!" The man cried. He yelled out in pain after a resounding 'thud' rang through the air, making Posie jump. Kyros hit him? What the hell was he doing!? "Please, I have children at home! They need me!"

"Answer me!" He roared so loudly, it was enough to make Poise flinch. Kyros knew English, why wasn't he speaking English to this human?

A sinking feeling flooded her stomach, sensing something wasn't right. It dawned on her she shouldn't be in the room by herself, but that she should be the one interrogating the man! He could be her ticket back to earth, or at least have some answers as to why she's here.

She wasn't sure what Kyros threatened the man with next, but it obviously wasn't good when the man started screaming. She tiptoed by the top of the stairs, desperate for a peek at another human.

"Alright, alright!" The human man panted, just as Posie was able to see his face from around the corner, "we know she's here..."

The man's demeanor changed dramatically. His face went from flushed in fear to relaxed in a split second. So eerily slow, a smiled stretched across his lips.

Posie gasped as everyone went quiet and she ducked back behind the wall, waiting for the man to continue. After a beat, Kyros was losing his patience she heard him shake the man by his jacket.

"It's remarkable to see you up close..." he said, smoothly, his eyes flickering up and down the alien. "Antonio will be pleased."

"Who is Antonio?" Kyros questioned with a sneer.

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