24 | Control

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Y'all... there's only a couple chapters left! I can't believe it's almost over. If you guys would like any bonus chapters as I bring this book to an end, let me know what you'd like to see! I'd love to hear your ideas!

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Her jaw dropped to scream, but a clawed hand clamped down on her mouth, stopping her. "Shhh! Don't have much time." They exclaimed in a whisper.

Wait. She recognized that voice. "Crid!?"

He shushed her again and then sheepishly apologized for shushing the queen. "John help us." He quietly explained as he pretended to write something down on a clipboard like John had shown him. Unfortunately, the pen was upside down, but she didn't have the heart to tell him. "Keep looking mad." He told her.

It was perfect. Crid was still abnormally tall compared to a human at his age, but he was about average for a grown human man. A scrub cap covered his long hair, a surgical mask covered his mouth and fangs, and clothes covered the scales on his chest. He must have gotten all of this from John!

He reached into the shirt pocket and snuck whatever it was into her hands. "Eat it." He whispered.

She took a peek into her hand and her eyes widened in recognition. It was one of the healing plants Kyros had shown her. She had never eaten one, only mushed it into a paste to apply to the injured area, but that wouldn't be extremely helpful in this situation. She trusted Crid and ate all six petals one by one until the flower was gone.

As she did, Crid explained, "Kyros is... not Kyros." Was the best he could explain in his broken English. "We get Posie and baby out for now."

She shook her head. "All of us are leaving here."

"John trying." He winced. "There's a lot of us here."

"We all leave together." She said, adamantly. "Wait, why aren't you mind controlled?"

He turned around and lifted up the back of his cap. "See this?" He asked, pointing out a faint scar at the base of his skull. At her nod, he continued. "I fell and hit my head many moons ago. John believe that-"

"It broke the device they implanted in your heads?" Posie finished for him.

He didn't understand all the words she said, but it sounded right. "John knows how to broke the device." He mimicked the word Posie used, hoping she'd understand.

"He knows how to have them not be mind controlled?" She exasperated. After his nod, she further asked, "have you see where they took my baby?"

"No, but John said when light stops blinking red, we go get them."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Blinking red?"

He kept his head facing forward, but his eyes moved to gesture to the corner of the room. She did the same and there it was. A red blinking light peeking through the ceiling, but no camera was visible. How she didn't notice it before, she wasn't sure. "Is that a hidden camera? I don't even see one."

"Camera?" He questioned with a wrinkled nose.

"Never mind," she brushed it off. "So we wait until it stops?"

"Yes. Then we leave."

"To where?"


"But I'm chained to the bed. How are you gonna-"

The light stopped blinking and with one harsh yank, Crid ripped the side of the handcuff attached to her bed off. She stared at the remaining part of the handcuff attached to her. He couldn't rip it off her like that without hurting her. "Thanks..." she blinked.

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