Chapter 2

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8:09 pm, Marylebone Road, London

"Alex! Lexie! Can you come here?" 'Amanda's voice rang across the hall.

"Sure, give me a minute!" Alex replied.

"It's okay, you don't have to come. I just wanted to tell you that, ummmm- well...... I have to leave" Her sister's voice was shaky and scared. The hum of the machinery blended in the background as Alex sat quietly, as the words of her sister registered in her mind.

"Where are you going? What about the movie marathon?" She asked, after what seemed an eternity. They had been planning since, well, forever!

"I'll come back soon- I suggest you leave too" Amanda's voice was thick with emotion and regret.

"But I'm not finished!" The possibility of leaving work unfinished, was more than outrageous. She ought to have known that!

"Look it's for your safet- I mean, as your older sister, I command you to leave!" The words of her sister hung in the air, as Alex realized there was something really wrong. Why would she use the ''older sister" card otherwise?

"Okay. As you wish" Alex replied. In reality, she was'nt planning on leaving. What is she planning? She is obviously meeting someone!

By 8:15, both sisters had packed their stuff and were standing outside the entrance; an awkward silence, hanging over them.

"Alex, you know I love you right?" Amanda asked. Her voice was steady and calm. She used the same tone with me, when she told me, our mom died. The older sibling obviously realized the same thing because her next sentence was bubbly and cheerful.

"You better save some ice cream for me!"

"Obviously!" If only you promise to come back home, safely.


25 minutes later, Alex stood in front of the agency . Wind blew behind her, the cold seeping into her bones. Behind her, a rustling could be heard. Probably a racoon or something, she shook it off and opened the door, using the spare key beneath the flower pot, on the window sill.

As she entered the hall, she heard the voices of her sister and a stranger.
Alex Willows was smart but her instincts, at that time had vapourised into nothingness.

She crept closer towards her sister's office, her footsteps making no noise and her breathing, calm. Right outside the closed door, she could make out a hazy figure of her sister and a really tall person, through the stained glass. The two, inside, had reached the climax of their argument because by now, both were literally screaming.

"Don't you dare! Do you honestly think, the truth won't come out? You're wro-" Her sister's sentence was cut off by a strangled scream issuing from her mouth.

"AMANDA!!!!" she shouted.

Without caring or thinking, Alex "pushed opened the door, to see her sister on the ground, a knife sticking from her throat. The room, itself was empty. Whoever it was, had probably escaped through the window leading outside.

"NO!!!" She shouted as her sister breathed her last breath.

If she had been looking closer, she would've seen a cloaked figure exiting the room, behind her but Alex Willows was distraught over the tragic end of her sister. Death does that to people. I should know, I've seen it happen so many times before.

So, another update!!!
If there was an error in the grammar or punctuation, forgive me because it's really hard to finish a chapter, in the dark and under the covers :3
To the people who are viewing this, will pretty, please vote and comment? It would mean alot to me!!!
Anyway, I hope you like it!!!!!

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