Chapter 3

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Tracey Dakota splashed water on her face, removing the remains of makeup. Her eyes stung, as she lathered the soap to get the mascara out of her eyelashes; the stinging prompting her to rub faster.

By the time her face had become makeup- free, her eyes were bright red, her cheeks flushed and her skin feeling as if someone had used a biro to scrub it off. She scoffed as the director came rushing towards her.

"Tracey! My star! I know you've been asking me to increase your pay but darling! Your work efficiency has decreased if not ascended. How can you imagine me to do so? With this I give you an ultimatum, work on this new play, properly, and I'll think about it. If not, then remember I will kick you out of this industry and make sure no one else hires you. Okay?" Even though his words were heavy with exaggeration they came like bricks crashing down on her. Hard.

How can I manage to do that?

She shrugged her feelings off and wrapped her coat around herself tightly.

At least Joe will cheer me up. I should go meet him!

She exited the building and walked towards the pharmacy. Her pace slow, she was passing the sidewalk when she heard loud voices. Naturaly, her curiosity kicked in and she crouched behind the bush to eavesdrop.

"You fool, there is no Order!", a voice yelled. " It was a ploy to lure you out and you fell for it!"

"Whaa-aa-tt do you mean?", a muffled voice said. It was too low for Tracey to recognise the voice.

"Goodbye, loser", came the reply.

Then came a loud yell and cruel laughter.

I should call for help. That person sounds in danger!

A shuffle and then silence. Shakingly, Tracey stumbled over to the body. She turned it over and gasped.


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