Sudo's Trial - Time To Get A Chain-Lock

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(A/N - I'm changing the title format from 'Chapter X - blah blah' to this style of title. So for example, 'Island Exam - blah blah' or 'Paper Shuffle - blah blah'. I'm probably going to be doing smaller scenes a lot more often from this point on so calling them 'Bonus Chapters' wouldn't exactly be right and they aren't exactly a full thing. This way makes more sense. Obviously, each update will still be in the order the students watch them.)

Well, I say it will be light-hearted but Sudo might be reminded of his previous anxieties.

"Huh? It's about me again?" Sudo cried.

I agreed that it was quite tiresome to constantly be the centre of everyone's attention.

So let's begin!

From the previous statement, this must be from the time Ryuen attempted to set up Sudo. I couldn't guess how the creator viewed that event as light-hearted at all.

After a nice dinner in the dorm cafeteria, I headed back to my room. There, I took out my phone and checked my remaining balance. My account total was displayed on the screen. I saw that I had 8,320 private points. It hadn't changed since this morning. Considering that we'd started the school year with 100,000 points, this was an incredibly low amount. I had nearly bankrupted myself just to buy the point Sudou needed to pass.

"Um. Sorry about that Ayanokoji," Sudo scratched his cheek with a nervous grin.

"It doesn't matter, it was enough for me to survive on," I assured him.

"You are incredibly lucky that both Ayanokoji-senpai and Horikita-senpai had been saving points for that first month," Utomiya commented.

Faced with the fact he had been extremely fortunate to survive expulsion, Sudo became sullen. What Utomiya said was true though. I wondered if anybody else would have had enough points saved to afford an expenditure of that magnitude.

"I still can't see his goal. If he had no interest in Class A, as he says, then saving that imbecile couldn't have been more important than keeping his own private points., that can't be it." Yagami pondered.

"It would be pretty great if we got those 87 points," I muttered.

"Oh is this when the school messed up and didn't give us our points on time?" Maezono asked.

"Yeah, it sounds like it," Ike agreed.

Converted, the points came to roughly 8700 yen. Although that wasn't a giant improvement, it was still big bucks.

As I was playing around on my phone, my door suddenly swung open.

"Save me, Ayanokouji!" Sudou stood there, his face beet red.

"Again?" Kanzaki raised his eyebrow in disapproval.

"One you leave your door unlocked, Ayanokoji-kun?" Matsushita asked an understandable question.

"No, I make sure to lock it every time I enter or leave,"

"But Sudo-kun just walked in,"

"Yes, he did,"

She had a confused look on her face as I didn't elaborate on how that was possible. It was likely they still had those keys.

I pointed to the screen to signal that she'd find out soon enough.

"Why're you here? Actually, forget that – how did you even get in?"

I'd locked my door when I got back to my room. I hadn't forgotten, because I made it a habit. Had Sudou smashed through the wall or something? Just to be sure, I checked my door to see that it wasn't broken. It looked completely fine.

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