Sudo's Trial - Convincing Sakura/Trial

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I'm going to give you all a little context for this video.

This is the day before the first meeting of deliberation to judge Sudo's guilt.

Sakura has been identified as the witness and Chabashira has given permission for her to sit in and deliver her testimony.

"Hmm, I thought we were supposed to be watching how they convinced her to testify?" Katsuragi frowned.

"Yes, I believe that is still the case. From what we've seen so far, does she not seem like the type to back out of her responsibilities?" Sakayanagi's perception was harsh but ultimately fair.

"I see what you are saying. You think she attempted to get out of testifying after the matter was already settled?"

"They seem to be going through a lot of hassle to get her to testify when they've already said it probably wouldn't be enough," Hashimoto said.

"Obviously. Haven't you been watching the position they're in? They need all the help they can get," Ryuen explained.

"I believe you are the person who provided them this predicament, aren't you, Ryuen-kun?" Sakayanagi said, "Isn't it quite big-headed to say something like that?"

"Kuku, where do you get off saying shit like that?" Ryuen's lips showed a faint grin, "I don't think my name's been brought up at all - just a fight between men, right?"

"Yes, very manly," Sakayanagi matched his slight smile, "I wonder, are Ishizaki-kun and those other two capable of making their own decisions?"

The three in question sent death glares to the lofty leader of Class A but apparently didn't dare to speak a word in protest.

"That's my classmates you're making fun of there, Sakayanagi. What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Oh nothing at all, I'm just remembering what happened that one time you ran away from your leadership position,"

Ryuen didn't respond but his smile changed into a cruel, thin smirk. It was true that without Ryuen in charge, his class had experienced a significant drop in results. Conversely, when he finally did return, they leapfrogged Horikita's Class C and almost caught Ichinose's Class B. Quite the stark comparison.

"I'm now starting the video," Mashima announced.

After returning to my dorm, I lay in my bed and absentmindedly watched TV. My mind was kind of a blank, as I let myself relax. Then, I got an email from Sakura.

"If I was absent from school tomorrow, what do you think would happen?"

"It appears you were spot on, princess," Hashimoto grinned.

"What do you mean?"

Even though my reply had been short, I waited a while for her response.

"What are you doing right now?"

That was her answer. I replied that I was in my room by myself.

"If it's okay with you, could we meet right now? I'm in room 1106."

"Why did you want to see Ayanokoji?" Ike asked.

"U-um, because I wanted some advice," Airi explained.

"Sounds like you're just brimming with wisdom, Ayanokoji," Ryuen snarked, "First your oh-so heartwarming advice for Ichinose and now Sakura wants a piece of you,"

"I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out his classmates rely on him a great deal. When I needed help, he came up with a plan and followed it through without fail. Although it appears he is also incredible academically, even if that wasn't the case, his reliability makes him someone his classmates can turn to when they are in need of support," Katsuragi determined.

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