Interlude - End of Day Two

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"I'll make this quick so I don't take up too much of your time,"

Horikita Manabu had made his way to the front and began addressing the students before him. It almost felt like he had regained his position as student council president.

"What I have to say is only a theory, but, as I said before, I don't believe I'm wrong. It has to do with the nature of this...'mind reading' we're seeing," he continued.

Oh, so that's what this was about. It was true that most people had looked past this quite shocking revelation that mind reading was possible.

"To be honest, I still can't quite believe that we are actually witnessing this," Manabu confessed, "However, although I have no idea how it's actually possible, how it works is more important. People who have come into contact with Ayanokouji over the last year and a half should have some idea of what I'm talking about here. The Ayanokouji in these videos and the Ayanokouji I thought I knew are very different,"

"So, Horikita-senpai thought the same as me? I had no idea that they were close. Regardless, what he's saying is true. Kiyotaka-kun's thoughts in these videos don't match up to what I know of him. I trust him and believe that he can help many people...but he possesses a ruthless attitude that he doesn't show publicly. That side of him should be present in his thoughts even if he doesn't show it through his words and actions. I even considered the possibility that he had lied when he said these are his true thoughts, but maybe there is another explanation," Hirata thought.

"Different? I suppose there are some discrepancies but I can't say for sure. I'm sure my brother understands Ayanokouji-kun to a greater extent than me, though, so perhaps my thoughts aren't important here. He has always hidden his true intentions, so I've never been able to gauge what he's truly thinking. If I had to say one thing I found strange, it would be his lack of confidence. In these videos, his thoughts are self-depreciative but I know that he is sure of himself and his abilities. There's no way that's a front. Everything about the way he acts tells me he is confident," Horikita thought.

"He has a point. I was starting to think I was wrong about that guy. His thought process was weird, to say the least, but it was fundamentally similar to the others. But that's stupid. There's no way that guy has this mindset. I came to my own conclusion but I wonder what Mr Ex Student Council President has to say," Ryuuen listened with interest.

"I did think it was a little weird. Ayanokouji-kun is very humble. He helps everyone out while always putting himself down. I thought that, inside himself, he knew how amazing he really was, but just played himself down. However, watching this, it sounds like he really does view himself in such a terrible way," Ichinose had a sad expression.

"Some of you who haven't had much contact with Ayanokouji may find this confusing," Manabu continued, "However, there's no need to worry about that for the time being. If we are going to watch these videos then I believe it's important to understand the premise, at least to some extent,"

Even though we had watched many numerous videos now, the entire situation was still too baffling for people to wrap their heads around.

"So, this is my theory. For those who understand a little about the human brain, you might have asked yourselves this once these 'mind reading' videos started. There's simply too much going on in our minds for them to be 'read' like a book. Our thoughts jump from one thing to the next and maintaining a singular point of focus for any extended period of time is impossible,"

I began to understand what Manabu's point was going to be.

"That being the case, I still believe these are Ayanokouji's real thoughts. But they have been cut down to only include his conscious thoughts,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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