Chapter 5

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He texted back.

Ethan: ur th qirness

“What…?” I uttered.

Was he drunk? Or did the phone slip out of his hands? Was he joking around with me?

I could understand the first two words were ‘you’re’ and ‘the’ but the third word was very strange.

He was typing. His status showed typing… for the next 1 minute and then he went offline.

He was typing something more but didn’t send it.

“Gwen, are you ready?” mom called out.
“5 minutes.” I replied and turned off my Laptop.

I didn’t have time for some guy who was trying to tease me. I just didn’t expect him to do that. He could’ve just deleted my request but he went ahead and typed something stupid. I bet he would be laughing at me.

"That's utter bullshit." I said, shaking my head.

"Gwen hurry. You're taking forever." Mom called out again and I hurriedly took my jacket and phone before leaving my room.

"Stace called on landline." Mom informed me when I went downstairs.

"She did?" I asked and checked my phone. It was turned off due to low battery. I sighed and walked over to the landline but mom stopped me," Call her back later sweetie. We need to head out now."  I groaned and agreed.

I knew why Stace must've called- To check whether I had texted him or not. And I didn't want her to text him with a fake account and flirt with him. It was really important to inform that crack head that I had texted him and he gave a shitty reply.

While mom and dad were buying drinks, I slipped away quietly and asked the receptionist to make a call from the landline.

I had memorized a few numbers which were of mom's, dad's, our landline and Stace's for emergencies.

I punched her number on the rotatory phone, which was satisfying as I rotated the dial for each digit.

"It's me, Gwen." I said.
"Where are you calling from?" She asked.
"The mall. My phone died. Anyway, just wanted to inform you tha-" I was in the middle of my sentence when I heard mom,"Honey what are you doing?"

I turned and answered," Just had to call Stace. It's important. Something about a project that we have to submit tomorrow." I lied.

"Teens these days." She sighed and looked away.

"Yeah so," I continued on the phone with Stace," I texted-"

"Are you still there? I can't hear you." She spoke.

"Huh? Now? Hello?"

"I think you're not there. I'll hang up." She said and hung up.

"That's weird." I said, putting the phone back on the desk.

I forgot about him after we returned from the mall. My perspective towards him changed completely. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. But deep down, I hoped it was someone else who texted.

12th November

When I went to school, there were whispers everywhere. Everyone was discussing something which was not to be said out loud.

It wasn’t about Prom because everyone looked terrified and shocked.

“What’s up with everyone’s faces?” I asked my desk-mate even though we hardly talked apart from borrowing stuff.

“You don’t know?" She asked back.

These types of people really waste my words.

"Why would I ask if I knew?" I sighed.

"Right, you're anti-social. I didn't expect you to know anyway."

"Tell me what's going on." I ordered.

"Ethan committed suicide.”

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